Manager Charles Avery large #

Charles Avery

Living place: Illinois

Birthday: 28-5-1873

Global rank: #82569

Email: updating

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Manager Charles Avery profile

Who is Manager Charles Avery?
Director and screenwriter known for films such as Directing Across the Alley from 1913, Across the Hall from 1914, and The Knockout from 1914. He was
in the first three Keystone Kops films.

Young / Before famous

He began his career as an actor before segueing fully into directing.

Family life info

His sister is an actress and his father is a playwright.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Manager Charles Avery?
He and Fat Arbuckle both played Keystone Kops.

Body measurements of

How tall is Manager Charles Avery? What Charles Avery's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Charles Avery profile

When was Manager Charles Avery born?
Charles Avery was born in 28-5-1873, death year is , at the age of 151.
Where is Manager Charles Avery's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Charles Avery was born in Illinois, . is a Manager, whose Zodiac is Gemini, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rooster. Charles Avery's global rank is 82569 and whose rank is 821 in list of famous Manager.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1873 and 28-5

Birthday Charles Avery (28-5) in history

  • Day 28-5 year 1863: Robert Gould Shaw, leading the first northern all-black regiment, leaves Boston for the Civil War.
  • Day 28-5 year 1929: The first all-color, full-length talking picture, On With the Show!, debuted.
  • Day 28-5 year 1934: The Dionne quintuplets were born in Ontario, Canada.
  • Day 28-5 year 1957: Baseball owners voted to allow the Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants to move to Los Angeles and San Francisco, respectively. Many New Yorkers still haven’t recovered. See other baseball city and nickname changes.
  • Day 28-5 year 1987: Mathias Rust, a 19-year-old pilot from West Germany, landed his private plane in Moscow’s Red Square. He was arrested and sentenced to four years in a labor camp, but was released after just one.
  • Day 28-5 year 1997: Linda Finch completed Amelia Earhart's attempted around-the-world flight.
  • Day 28-5 year 1998: Pakistan staged nuclear tests in response to India's nuclear tests two weeks earlier.
  • Day 28-5 year 2003: Pres. Bush signed a $350 billion tax cut into law; the third largest tax cut in U.S. history.
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Other famous Manager

Famous people born in 28-5-1873

Note about Manager Charles Avery

Charles Avery infomation and profile updated by