Musically star Jericho Vallano

Jericho Vallano

Living place: Albuquerque

Birthday: 14-1-2002 (22 years old)

Population of US 2002: 290 millions

Global rank: #16807

Email: updating

Phone number: updating

Musically star Jericho Vallano profile

Who is Musically star Jericho Vallano?
Most popular social media influence who has established his biggest fanbase on musicals. ly with over 30,000 fans as of May 2016.
He once won a gingerbread house contest.

Young / Before famous

He began to gain fame online in the summer of 2015.

Family life info

He has posted pictures with his boyfriend Alex to his Instagram account.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Musically star Jericho Vallano?
He is a friend of gay Internet Nicholas Martinez.

Body measurements of

How tall is Musically star Jericho Vallano? What Jericho Vallano's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Jericho Vallano profile

When was Musically star Jericho Vallano born?
Jericho Vallano birthday 14-1-2002 (at the age of 22).
Where is Musically star Jericho Vallano's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Jericho Vallano was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico- United States. is a Musically star, whose Zodiac is Capricorn, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Snake. Jericho Vallano's global rank is 16807 and whose rank is 93 in list of famous Musically star. Population of US in 2002 is about 290 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 2002 and 14-1

Events in US in the birth year of Jericho Vallano

  • President Bush's first State of the Union address vows to expand the fight on terrorism and labels Iran, Iraq, and North Korea "an axis of evil" (Jan. 29).
  • Kenneth L. Lay, chairman of bankrupt energy trader Enron, resigns; company under federal investigation for hiding debt and misrepresenting earnings (Jan. 24). Background: 2002 News of the Nation
  • U.S. withdraws from International Court treaty (May 6).
  • FBI lawyer Coleen Rowley criticizes FBI for thwarting terrorist efforts in a letter to the FBI director (May 21).
  • U.S. abandons 31-year-old Antiballistic Missile treaty (June 13). Background: 2001 News of the Nation
  • Bush announces change in Middle East policy: U.S. will not recognize an independent Palestinian state until Yasir Arafat is replaced (June 24).
  • Bush signs corporate reform bill (July 30) in response to a spate of corporate scandals: Enron, Arthur Andersen, Tyco, Qwest, Global Crossing, ImClone, and Adelphia, among others, were convicted or placed under federal investigation for various misadventures in fraud and crooked accounting. Background: 2002 News of the Nation
  • Pennsylvania miners rescued after spending 77 hours in a dark, flooded mine shaft (July 28).
  • Bush addresses United Nations, calling for a "regime change" in Iraq (Sept. 12).
  • Snipers prey upon DC suburbs, killing ten and wounding others (Oct. 2–24). Police arrest two sniper suspects, John Allen Muhammad and John Lee Malvo (Oct. 24).
  • Republicans retake the Senate in midterm elections; gain additional House seats (Nov. 5). Background: 2002 News of the Nation
  • Bush signs legislation creating cabinet-level Department of Homeland Security (Nov. 25).
  • Boston archbishop Cardinal Bernard Law resigns as a result of the Catholic Church's sexual abuse scandals and cover-up of priest-child molestation. (Dec. 13). Background: 2002 News of the Nation

Birthday Jericho Vallano (14-1) in history

  • Day 14-1 year 1639: The first Constitution of the state of Connecticut, USA, was adopted.
  • Day 14-1 year 1784: The United States ratified treaty with England ending the Revolutionary War.
  • Day 14-1 year 1943: President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill meet at the Casablanca Conference.
  • Day 14-1 year 1953: Tito formally became the first president of the Republic of Yugoslavia.
  • Day 14-1 year 1954: Marilyn Monroe married baseball legend Joe DiMaggio.
  • Day 14-1 year 1963: George Wallace sworn in as Alabama's governor, promising "segregation forever."
  • Day 14-1 year 1973: The Miami Dolphins became the first NFL team to go undefeated and have a perfect season by beating the Washington Redskins in Super Bowl VII.
  • Day 14-1 year 1990: The Simpsons premiered on television.
  • Day 14-1 year 2008: Bobby Jindal takes office as governor of Louisiana as the first elected Indian-American governor of the U.S.
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Note about Musically star Jericho Vallano

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