Novelist Glenway Wescott


Glenway Wescott

Living place: Wisconsin

Birthday: 11-4-1901

Population of US 1901: 77,584,000

Global rank: #97559

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Novelist Glenway Wescott profile

Who is Novelist Glenway Wescott?
An American-born, twentieth-century fiction writer, he is known for works such as The Grandma (1927) and The Pilgrim Hawk: A Love Story (1940). He was a prominent figure in the American expat community in Europe.
He was the model for the characters of Robert Prentiss in Ernest Hemingway's classic novel, The Sun Also Rises.

Young / Before famous

He studied at the University of Chicago. He began his literary career as a poet, but quickly turned to writing novels and short stories.

Family life info

Wescott's relationship with partner Monroe Wheeler began in 1919 and only ended with Wescott's death in 1987.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Novelist Glenway Wescott là ai?
He lives in France, where he is an acquaintance of expat co-author Gertrude Stein.

Body measurements of

How tall is Novelist Glenway Wescott? What Glenway Wescott's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Glenway Wescott profile

When was Novelist Glenway Wescott born?
Glenway Wescott was born in 11-4-1901, death year is , at the age of 123.
Where is Novelist Glenway Wescott's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Glenway Wescott was born in Wisconsin, . Là Novelist, whose Zodiac is Aries, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Ox. Glenway Wescott's global rank is 97559 and whose rank is 1324 in list of famous Novelist. Population of US in 1901 is about 77,584,000 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1901 and 11-4

Events in US in the birth year of Glenway Wescott

  • As President McKinley begins his second term, he is fatally shot by anarchist Leon Czolgosz (Sept. 6). Theodore Roosevelt is sworn in as successor after McKinley dies on Sept. 14.
  • J.P. Morgan creates the United States Steel Co., which will become the first $1 billion corporation in the world.

Birthday Glenway Wescott (11-4) in history

  • Day 11-4 year 1814: Emperor Napoleon was exiled to the island of Elba, Tuscany, Italy
  • Day 11-4 year 1899: The treaty ending the Spanish-American War took effect.
  • Day 11-4 year 1921: Iowa imposed the first state cigarette tax.
  • Day 11-4 year 1945: Allies liberated Buchenwald concentration camp.
  • Day 11-4 year 1951: President Harry Truman fired General Douglas McArthur.
  • Day 11-4 year 1968: President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the 1968 Civil Rights Act.
  • Day 11-4 year 1979: Ugandan dictator Idi Amin was overthrown.
  • Day 11-4 year 1981: President Ronald Reagan returned to the White House after he was shot in an assassination attempt.
  • Day 11-4 year 2007: Science-fiction writer Kurt Vonnegut died in New York City at age 84.
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Note about Novelist Glenway Wescott

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