Only Toker Le Thien Toan

Le Thien Toan

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: 21-1-1988 (36 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1988: 63,26 millions

Global rank: #52152


Email: updating

Phone number: 9442 255 55

Only Toker Le Thien Toan profile

Who is Only Toker Le Thien Toan?
Owning a large motorbike shop plus a Tiktok channel with millions of views, Le Thien Toan has become a phenomenon that has attracted the attention of the online community. Both doing business and creating content on social networks, Tiktoker Le Thien Toan makes many people admire him thanks to his efforts and success.
Le Thien Toan is one of the young men with passion for vehicles. Originating from his hobby of collecting and searching for beautiful license plate cars, classic car owner Le Thien Toan has always had the desire to own his own brand. After a period of personal effort, Le Thien Toan currently owns a shop with a large number of motorbikes of all kinds and is sought after by many customers.
Like many other young men, he also wants to find a comfortable, stable job and have enough money to cover his life. But perhaps the profession chose him when he first learned about trading in cars. Thanks to his reputation and knowledge, Le Thien Toan has won the hearts of customers by knowing how to introduce products and facilitate them at the most reasonable prices.
In addition to traditional business at the store, Le Thien Toan also built his own Tiktok channel. On his channel, he shares many experiences about choosing new and used cars. In addition, he also introduces products so that customers across the country know him better. From his honest sharing and insights, Le Thien Toan has had many million-view videos and received many sympathetic opinions from customers everywhere.
The number of cars at Le Thien Toan's store is increasing, and the number of customers coming to him is also increasing. Maybe it was Tiktok that helped him gain more connections and help customers know how to choose the most reputable address. With the desire to post videos with more attractive content, Tiktoker Le Thien Toan has been and continues to look for more good content to share according to customer needs.
With effort and passion, Tiktoker Le Thien Toan is still diligently building a prestigious brand for himself day and night. At the same time, we will continue to develop more good videos on Tiktok channel so that everyone shares the same passion for sharing and exchanging more knowledge about motorbikes.

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Body measurements of

How tall is Only Toker Le Thien Toan? What Le Thien Toan's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Le Thien Toan profile

When was Only Toker Le Thien Toan born?
Le Thien Toan birthday 21-1-1988 (at the age of 36).
Where is Only Toker Le Thien Toan's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Le Thien Toan was born in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Aquarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Cat. Le Thien Toan's global rank is 52152 and whose rank is 595 in list of famous Only Toker. Population of Vietnam in 1988 is about 63,26 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of Tiktoker Le Thien Toan
Portrait of Tiktoker Le Thien Toan
Tiktoker Le Thien Toan is known for his hobby of collecting cars with beautiful license plates
Tiktoker Le Thien Toan is known for his hobby of collecting cars with beautiful license plates
The happy family of Tiktoker Le Thien Toan
The happy family of Tiktoker Le Thien Toan

Le Thien Toan ranking


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Events in 1988 and 21-1

Events in the world in the birth year of Le Thien Toan

  • US and Canada reach free trade agreement (Jan. 2). Background: NAFTA
  • Terrorists kill nine tourists on Aegean cruise (July 11).
  • Benazir Bhutto, first Islamic woman prime minister, chosen to lead Pakistan (Dec. 1).
  • Pan-Am 747 explodes from terrorist bomb and crashes in Lockerbie, Scotland, killing all 259 aboard and 11 on ground (Dec. 21).

Birthday Le Thien Toan (21-1) in history

  • Day 21-1 year 1793: King Louis XVI was beheaded for treason.
  • Day 21-1 year 1915: The first Kiwanis Club was founded in Detroit.
  • Day 21-1 year 1924: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin died in Moscow.
  • Day 21-1 year 1950: Former State department official Alger Hiss found guilty of perjury.
  • Day 21-1 year 1954: USS Nautilus, the first nuclear-powered submarine was launched.
  • Day 21-1 year 1977: President Carter pardoned most Vietnam War draft evaders.
  • Day 21-1 year 2003: The U.S. Census Bureau reported that Hispanics had surpassed Blacks as the largest minority group.
  • Day 21-1 year 2010: In a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court rules in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission that the government cannot restrict the spending of corporations for political campaigns, maintaining that it's their First Amendment right to support candidates as they choose. This decision upsets two previous precedents on the free-speech rights of corporations.
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Note about Only Toker Le Thien Toan

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