Only Toker Son Soi

Son Soi

Living place: Vinh Phuc

Birthday: 7-10-1997 (27 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1997: 74,31 millions

Global rank: #63448


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Only Toker Son Soi profile

Who is Only Toker Son Soi?
Son Soi's real name is Tran Hong Son. He is a young Tiktoker who is receiving a lot of attention thanks to his good voice. He currently owns the Tiktok channel Son Soi with more than 368 thousand followers and millions of likes. The videos on the Tiktok channel of the original Tiktoker guy Vinh Phuc all have a huge number of views from hundreds of thousands to millions of views. He was also a famous name in Top Idol Bigo.
Since building the Tiktok channel, Son Soi has received more attention from the online community. Thanks to his good voice and excellent rap ability, he has increasingly proven his content creation ability and received more and more attention from the online community. Every Live session on the Tiktok platform, he brings positive energy and spreads happiness to everyone.
To reach success, Tran Hong Son has overcome many difficulties and challenges. But luckily for him, he is blessed with a bright appearance, a good voice, a sense of humor and a charming way of narrating stories. All platforms he participates in attract a certain number of fans. It can be said that that is the biggest success for Son Soi.
As a person with a certain influence on social networks, Tiktoker Son Soi regularly launches donations and support campaigns. Support people with unfortunate fates across the country. When asked about the reason he regularly organizes charity donations, Son Soi once shared that the simplest reason is that he feels pity and always wants to help people in difficult circumstances in life. living. Therefore, when he has enough capacity, the first thing he thinks of is calling for support for difficult areas and difficult situations.

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is Only Toker Son Soi? What Son Soi's weight?
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Summary of Son Soi profile

When was Only Toker Son Soi born?
Son Soi birthday 7-10-1997 (at the age of 27).
Where is Only Toker Son Soi's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Son Soi was born in Vinh Phuc, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Libra, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Ox. Son Soi's global rank is 63448 and whose rank is 672 in list of famous Only Toker. Population of Vietnam in 1997 is about 74,31 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait photo of Tiktoker Son Soi
Portrait photo of Tiktoker Son Soi
New image of Tiktoker Son Soi
New image of Tiktoker Son Soi
Tiktoker Son Soi actively does volunteer work
Tiktoker Son Soi actively does volunteer work
Image of Tiktoker Son Soi celebrating his birthday
Image of Tiktoker Son Soi celebrating his birthday

Son Soi ranking


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Events in 1997 and 7-10

Events in the world in the birth year of Son Soi

  • Hebron agreement signed; Israel gives up large part of West Bank city of Hebron (Jan. 16). Israeli government approves establishment of Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem, a setback in Middle East peace process (Feb. 26). Background: Middle East Peace Negotiations
  • US, UK, and France agree to freeze Nazis' gold loot (Feb. 3).
  • Hong Kong returns to Chinese rule (June 30).
  • Khmer Rouge hold trial of longtime leader Pol Pot (July 25).
  • Swiss plan first payment to Holocaust victims (Sept. 17).
  • European Union plans to admit six nations (Dec. 13).

Birthday Son Soi (7-10) in history

  • Day 7-10 year 1765: The Stamp Act Congress was convened in New York to address the grievances of the North American people against England.
  • Day 7-10 year 1849: Poet-writer Edgar Allan Poe died at age 40.
  • Day 7-10 year 1949: The Republic of East Germany was formed.
  • Day 7-10 year 1968: The Motion Picture Association of America adopted its film-rating system, ranging from "G" for general audiences to "X" for adults only.
  • Day 7-10 year 1985: The Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked by Palestinian gunmen in the Mediterranean.
  • Day 7-10 year 1998: Matthew Shepard, a gay student at the University of Wyoming, was beaten, robbed, and left tied to a fence. He died five days later.
  • Day 7-10 year 2001: U.S. and British forces launched bombing campaign against Taliban government and al-Qaeda terrorist camps in Afghanistan.
  • Day 7-10 year 2003: California governor Gray Davis was recalled and former bodybuilder and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected in his place.
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Note about Only Toker Son Soi

Son Soi infomation and profile updated by