Performer Hoang Nhat

Hoang Nhat

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: 7-5-1999 (25 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1999: 76,6 millions

Global rank: #73903



Phone number: updating

Performer Hoang Nhat profile

Who is Performer Hoang Nhat?
Hoang Nhat's full name is Tran Hoang Nhat, a talented young actor and model who is known and loved by many young people. He is currently an actor affiliated with the Vietnam Drama Theater. Hoang Nhat has a handsome handsome face and a model-like body, helping him score points and get the audience's attention right from the first time he meets them, especially the girls. Currently, on his personal Facebook page, he has attracted 26,000 interests from the online community.
Tran Hoang Nhat graduated from Hanoi University of Theater and Cinema. Ever since he was a student, he has been very active in school activities. He often took on small roles in school plays. From those roles, he gained more acting experience and became more and more passionate about the profession.
After graduating, Hoang Nhat had the opportunity to participate in many large and small projects. Typically, the role of "Tri Phong" in the play "Rebirth" won the Gold Medal for human image. People's Police soldiers helped him gradually develop and assert himself in the art industry. While the opportunity was there, Hoang Nhat had an unfortunate accident while performing, forcing him to pause for a while. But with the help and encouragement from his family, friends and colleagues, he was able to get through that difficult time, focus on recovery and come back stronger. Going through difficult days has helped young actor Hoang Nhat become stronger and more confident in his acting career.
In the near future, Hoang Nhat will return to Arts in general and actors in particular with big film projects hope to be welcomed and supported by the audience. Sharing about his plans in the near future, Hoang Nhat said: He wants to have the opportunity to participate in many larger projects, not only domestic but also international, to learn and experience more. .

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is Performer Hoang Nhat? What Hoang Nhat's weight?
Height: updating
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Summary of Hoang Nhat profile

When was Performer Hoang Nhat born?
Hoang Nhat birthday 7-5-1999 (at the age of 25).
Where is Performer Hoang Nhat's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Hoang Nhat was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Taurus, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Cat. Hoang Nhat's global rank is 73903 and whose rank is 766 in list of famous Performer. Population of Vietnam in 1999 is about 76,6 millions persons.
Special event in 7-5-1999: During action against Yugoslavia, NATO jets mistakenly bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, killing three and injuring 20.
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Photos/ Images

Image of young actor Hoang Nhat
Image of young actor Hoang Nhat
 Image of handsome and talented Hoang Nhat
Image of handsome and talented Hoang Nhat
 Image of Hoang Nhat with a sunny smile
Image of Hoang Nhat with a sunny smile

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