Performer Thanh Hien

Thanh Hien

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: ?-?-1954 (70 years old)

Global rank: #24493



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Performer Thanh Hien profile

Who is Performer Thanh Hien?
Thanh Hien's real name is Tran Thi Thanh Hien, born in 1954, is a famous actress Vietnam. She started her acting career at the age of 51 - the age when people began to retire and retire before she began her career. In 20 years of acting, she has taken on more than 700 roles as mother, grandmother, maid,... but it was not until the movie Turn Face 7: A Director's Wish Ly Hai in 2024, she really made a strong impression on the audience. At the age of 70, Thanh Hien had her first major movie role in the movie "Face Off 7: One Wish" by Directed by Ly Hai. In the film, she plays Mrs. Hai, a character with the most scenes and the only actress to appear in all five scenes stretching from North to South. With this role, Thanh Hien has become the oldest female lead on Vietnamese screen. Even though she is old, she showed off her acting ability excellently, making viewers cry with her role.
Thanh Hien got married early and stayed in the countryside all year round, only taking care of housework. Because her family was in difficult circumstances, she moved to the city. Ho Chi Minh City to start a career and stabilize life. Coming here, she had to work hard to make a living to raise her two children. Currently, her two children are around 50 years old. In 1990, Thanh Hien was elected to the local neighborhood group to work in propaganda. Here, she was taught how to write scripts and make novels by two directors, Le Van Tinh and Tran Minh Ngoc. short product. In 2005, she had her first role in the film Mui Ngo Gai, co-starring with People's Artist Kim Xuan. After the first film, she was gradually invited to act in a number of more projects. When she first started her career, she was quite unfamiliar and worried because she didn't know if she could complete it or not. But she still tried to look at everyone and imitate them. It was her efforts and determination that she finally overcame all difficulties and obstacles to get the main role at the age of 70.
At an age where she was able to retire peacefully in old age, but Thanh Hien is still passionate about acting, so she still regularly goes to film in the city. HCM. For her, this is not a hardship, on the contrary, she feels happy because at this age she can still work and make money. Many times when she went out, she was recognized by the audience that she had acted in movies, asked to take pictures, and kindly asked questions. It was the audience's love that gave her more motivation to try and be dedicated to her profession.

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Summary of Thanh Hien profile

When was Performer Thanh Hien born?
Thanh Hien birthday ?-?-1954 (at the age of 70).
Where is Performer Thanh Hien's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Thanh Hien was born in Hai Duong, of Vietnam. Ms working and living in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Ms, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Horse. Thanh Hien's global rank is 24493 and whose rank is 438 in list of famous Performer.
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Photos/ Images

Portrait of artist Tran Thi Thanh Hien

Latest images of artist Tran Thanh Hien

Image of artist Thanh Hien always devoted to her work even at the age of 71

Thanh Hien ranking


Thanh Hiền 01/06/24 7:09
Diễn viên Thanh Hiền đóng phim Lật mặt 7: Một điều ước - theo thông tin từ ngày 26/04/2024.

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Events in 1954 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Thanh Hien

  • Nasser becomes premier of Egypt (April 17).
  • Geneva Conference is convened to bring peace to Vietnam (April to July). The country is divided at the 17th parallel, pending democratic elections.
  • Dien Bien Phu, French military outpost in Vietnam, falls to Viet Minh army (May 7). Background: Vietnam War
  • Eight-nation Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty (establishing SEATO) signed at Manila (Sept. 8).
  • Paris agreements grant West Germany sovereignty and admittance to NATO and Western European Union (Oct. 23; effective May, 1955).
  • Algerian War of Independence against France begins (Oct. 31).
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