Football club Viettel Fc

Viettel Fc

Working place: Ha Noi

Founding day: 23-8-1954 (70 years old)

Global rank: #714


Email: updating

Phone number: 0986 008 894

Football club Viettel Fc profile

Who is Football club Viettel Fc?
Viettel FC is a professional football club located at Vietnam, headquartered in Vietnam. Headquartered in Hanoi and operated by Viettel Sports Center under the Military Industry and Telecommunications Group and the Ministry of Defense.
The forerunner of Viettel Sports Center is The Cong football team - established on September 23, 1954. The Cong is the most successful football team in Vietnam with 5 national championships, 13 Northern championships, 1 Vietnamese football super cup, 3rd place in the army football tournament of the socialist countries - SKDA (1989). and a series of other titles.
- From 1955 - 1979, The Cong has always been a strong team with 13 championships (10 times of the Northern Division A championship and 3 times of the championship. National A-League Championship).
- From 1976 - 1998, the Military Club (formerly The Cong) was still one of the strongest football teams in Vietnam with 6 championships. (to be leveled by Hanoi FC in 2022).
- In 1999, the Military Club participated in the 1999 National Super Cup and was crowned.
- In the 2005 season, the club changed its name to The Cong Viettel.
- On September 1, 2007, The Cong Viettel officially won the right to V-League after winning Tay Ninh with the score 5-3. Right after that, the team officially returned to the old name - The Cong.
- On September 22, 2009, the Ministry of Defense decided to change the name of The Cong to Viettel, signing the decision. revoked the session of The Cong.
- On September 23, 2011, on the occasion of the 57th anniversary of the establishment of the club, hundreds of officials and employees attended the event. Players and fans of all generations who were once a member of The Cong decided to launch a "campaign" to collect 1 million signatures of support across the country to petition the Ministry of National Defense to regain the title of The Cong.
Faced with the risk of being dissolved, the acting Director of Viettel Football Center at that time, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Hai, asked the leaders of Viettel Group to allow the maintenance of the Viettel Football Center and commit to Results will be available within 1 year.
- In the 2010 football season, Viettel's teams reached the final round of youth tournaments.
- In 2011, Viettel Football Center won 1 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze medal in youth tournaments, thereby officially gaining the right to exist.
- In the 2012 football season, the 1st team of Viettel Football Center won the co-champion at the Vietnam National Third Division Football League and won a place in the Second Division since the football season. 2013.
- On October 26, 2014, the General Director of Military Telecommunications Group signed the decision No. 2294/QD-VTQD-TCNL to consolidate functions and tasks and change name Viettel Football Center became Viettel Sports Center (Viettel Sports)
- In 2015, Viettel Club won the title of co-champion with Fico Tay Ninh Cement Club promoted to compete in Vietnam. V. League 2 2016 season.
- In the V. League 2 - 2016 season, Viettel Club won second place.
- 2 years later, Viettel has excellently won the National First Division 2018 and won promotion to V. League 1 - 2019.
- In 2020, won the V. League 1. In addition , in the 2020 season, the team also won the runner-up in the 2020 National Cup.
List of players as of March 2023
Ngo Coin An Son; Vu Van Quyet; Nguyen Thanh Binh; Bui Tien Dung (Captain); Truong Van Thiet; Dinh Tuan Tai; Jakhongir Abdumominov; Nguyen Huu Thang; Tran Ngoc Son; Geovane Magno; Jefferson Elias; Phan Tuan Tai; Doan Huy Hoang; Bui Quang Khai; Nguyen Xuan Kien; Nguyen Huy Hung; Nguyen Duc Hoang Minh; Tran Hoang Son; Cao Tran Hoang Hung; Nguyen Duc Chien; Tran Danh Trung; Nham Manh Dung; Quang The Tai; Nguyen Hoang Duc; Khuat Van Khang; Pham Van Phong; Duong Van Hao; Truong Tien Anh; Bui Duy Thuong; Tran Manh Cuong.

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Body measurements of members

How tall is Football club Viettel Fc? What Viettel Fc's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Viettel Fc profile

When was Football club Viettel Fc born?
Viettel Fc founding day 23-8-1954 (at the age of 70).
Where is Football club Viettel Fc's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Viettel Fc was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Virgo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Horse. Viettel Fc's global rank is 714 and whose rank is 1 in list of famous Football club.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Image of the logo of Viettel FC football club
Image of the logo of Viettel FC football club
Viettel FC always fights hard for the colors of the flag
Viettel FC always fights hard for the colors of the flag
Viettel FC team image
Viettel FC team image
Viettel FC players always burn their hearts out on the field
Viettel FC players always burn their hearts out on the field

Viettel Fc ranking


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Events in 1954 and 23-8

Events in the world in the birth year of Viettel Fc

  • Nasser becomes premier of Egypt (April 17).
  • Geneva Conference is convened to bring peace to Vietnam (April to July). The country is divided at the 17th parallel, pending democratic elections.
  • Dien Bien Phu, French military outpost in Vietnam, falls to Viet Minh army (May 7). Background: Vietnam War
  • Eight-nation Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty (establishing SEATO) signed at Manila (Sept. 8).
  • Paris agreements grant West Germany sovereignty and admittance to NATO and Western European Union (Oct. 23; effective May, 1955).
  • Algerian War of Independence against France begins (Oct. 31).

Founding day Viettel Fc (23-8) in history

  • Day 23-8 year 1305: Scottish leader and national hero, William Wallace, was executed in London.
  • Day 23-8 year 1914: Japan declared war on Germany in World War I.
  • Day 23-8 year 1926: Silent film star Rudolph Valentino died in New York at age 31.
  • Day 23-8 year 1927: Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were executed for the murders of two men during a 1920 robbery, despite worldwide protests.
  • Day 23-8 year 1939: Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression treaty.
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Note about Football club Viettel Fc

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