Poet Bang Viet


Bang Viet

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: 15-5-1941 (83 years old)

Global rank: #69539

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Poet Bang Viet profile

Who is Poet Bang Viet?
Bang Viet real name is Nguyen Viet Bang, he is a famous poet. Poet Bang Viet used to hold the position of Chairman of the Poetry Council of the Vietnam Writers' Association. Currently, he is the President of the Hanoi Union of Literature and Arts.
Bang Viet started practicing composing at the age of 13, he also wrote a number of works but did not publish. Until 1961, his first work was released to the public, which was "Qua Truong Sa".

In 1968, Bang Viet published his first poetry collection called "Future Tree - Kitchen Fire", co-authored with author Luu Quang Vu. In 2005, this collection of poems was re-published after 37 years.
In 1986, Bang Viet released a collection of poems "Kitchen - The Heavens", in 2003 published a collection of poems "Poetry of Bang Viet">
Poetic works:
Some faces and pieces of sky; 1973
Land after rain (1977)
Distance between words (1984)
Bright Sand (1985), printed with Vu Quan Phuong
Fireplace - The Sky (Poetry) (1986)
The sunken half moon (1995)
Throw a verse into the wind (A collection of poems; Flying a verse with the wind; 2001)
Lyric Poetry (2002)
Poetry Bang Viet (Poetry Collection), (2003)
He is also known as the editor:
Mozart, famous stories
Literary Dictionary, 2 volumes, Social Science Publishing House, 1983-1984, co-authored
Literary Dictionary (new series), World Press, 2004, co-author
During his career, he was honored to receive many awards such as:
1. In 1968, won the first prize in poetry of the Hanoi Literature and Art Association.
2. In 2001, won the State Prize for Literature, awarded by the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
3. In 1982, won the Prize for International Literary Translation and International Cultural Exchange awarded by the Peace Foundation of the USSR.
4. In 2003, won the ASEAN Literature Prize with the collection of poems "Throwing verses into the wind"
5. In 2002, won the Poetry Prize of the Vietnam Writers Association
6. In 2005, won the Hanoi Writers Association's Lifetime Achievement Award for World Lyric Poetry of the 20th Century, with the comment: "Many poems have become familiar to generations of poetry lovers over the past four decades, The award is given to poet Bang Viet to recognize the lifetime achievement of a talented translator who has made many contributions to the introduction of foreign literature. ".

Young / Before famous

Bang Viet was born in Hue, he attended primary and high school in Hue. After that, he and his family moved to Hanoi to live and attended high school here.
He studied at the Faculty of Law at Kiev University (Soviet Union). In 1965, Bang Viet graduated and returned to Vietnam. After returning home, Bang Viet returned to work at the Institute of Law under the Vietnam Committee of Social Sciences. In 1969, Bang Viet worked at the Vietnam Writers' Association. In 1970, Bang Viet worked as a reporter at the Binh Tri Thien battlefield, and at the same time worked for the traditional museum for the delegation. Paint. Since 1975, Bang Viet has worked at New Works Publishing House.

Family life info

Bang Viet had two wives, his first wife died in late 1995.
In 1998, by chance, he met an accountant named Phuong. Phuong's rustic nature, amiable behavior, delicate facial features, not curvaceous, is nothing like the girls in the Middle East, so I jokingly called her "Sheherazat" in "One Thousand and One Nights". Moreover, Phuong's way of talking is very close and feminine. The two people are far apart in age, Bang Viet is two armors more than Phuong, that is the difficulty of this marriage. But in the end, the two also overcame everything to become husband and wife, so far after many years of marriage, he and his wife have never had a disagreement about lifestyle or opinion.

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is Poet Bang Viet? What Bang Viet's weight?
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Summary of Bang Viet profile

When was Poet Bang Viet born?
Bang Viet birthday 15-5-1941 (at the age of 83).
Where is Poet Bang Viet's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Bang Viet was born in Thua Thien Hue, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Taurus, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Snake. Bang Viet's global rank is 69539 and whose rank is 507 in list of famous Poet.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of Poet Bang Viet

Poet Bang Viet - General Secretary of Hanoi Literature and Art Association

Latest pictures of Bang Viet Poet

Bang Viet Poet in an interview

Bang Viet ranking


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Events in 1941 and 15-5

Events in the world in the birth year of Bang Viet

  • Germany attacks the Balkans and Russia.
  • Japanese surprise attack on U.S. fleet at Pearl Harbor brings U.S. into World War II; U.S. and Britain declare war on Japan.
  • The first U.S. Lend-Lease shipment of food sent to Britain.

Birthday Bang Viet (15-5) in history

  • Day 15-5 year 1862: The U.S. Department of Agriculture was created by an act of Congress on this day.
  • Day 15-5 year 1911: The Standard Oil Company, headed by John D. Rockefeller, was ordered dissolved by the Supreme Court, under the Sherman Antitrust Act.
  • Day 15-5 year 1918: The first air mail route in the U.S. was established between New York and Washington, DC, with a stop at Philadelphia.
  • Day 15-5 year 1930: On a Boeing Air Transport flight between Oakland and Chicago, Ellen Church became the first airline stewardess.
  • Day 15-5 year 1940: Nylon stockings went on sale for the first time in the United States.
  • Day 15-5 year 1972: Alabama Governor George Wallace was shot and crippled as he campaigned for the presidency.
  • Day 15-5 year 1988: The Soviet Union began to withdraw its estimated 115,000 troops from Afghanistan.
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Note about Poet Bang Viet

Bang Viet infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.