Runner-up Mai Le Quyen

Mai Le Quyen

Living place: United States

Birthday: 18-6-1983 (41 years old)

Population of the world 1983: 4.690 billions

Global rank: #88157


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Runner-up Mai Le Quyen profile

Who is Runner-up Mai Le Quyen?
Mai Le Quyen is a beauty who won the 2nd runner-up prize in the Miss Vietnam World 2015 pageant. She also won the Talent in singing in the homeland.
Le Quyen was born into a family with difficult circumstances. When she was 14 years old, her parents passed away. All the family burdens fell on the girl's shoulders, causing Le Quyen to give up her studies to go to the city to find a job. She single-handedly took care of her 3 younger brothers.
The hardships of childhood, the worries about food, money, and love for the little ones made Le Quyen become independent and mature. very early on. At that time, she had to do enough jobs to earn money to cover her life, from serving, selling, opening a clothing shop, then going to trade in land and houses... But every time the New Year came, She feels sorry for herself when she sees other people have enough and her sisters have no parents, lack of love and material.
Born a person with beautiful beauty, but Le Quyen has life is pretty rough. Her first love broke down, she had to raise her child alone. Difficulties piled up, but fortunately she received sympathy and love from friends. Le Quyen rose to her destiny, she succeeded in the motel business. After that, she fell in love with the arts in the fields of singing and acting.
The 8X runner-up shared, her passion for art is her biggest love at the moment. Therefore, she always spends a lot of time cultivating knowledge and singing skills to pursue her passion. She always cherished a film about her life expressed by herself.
It is known that she is a successful person in business, and actively participates in art activities, but she is also very active in participating in events. volunteer activities. Mai Le Quyen considers it as one of her strong passions. She hopes to be able to help more people who still have many difficulties in life.
  • Spring to marry you
  • Destiny
  • I still remember
  • Days without you
  • Early spring wedding
  • The area of ​​tamarind leaves
  • Spring far away from home
  • Swearing young to meet the sea
  • Several bamboo bridges
  • Counting the drops of sadness
  • Vinh Long my hometown
  • Spring Girl Talk
  • Two halves of love
  • Water washes away flowers
  • Back to the West
  • Small love quickly forgets
  • Fry across the river wharf
  • I go to the temple of incense
  • Love flowers water hyacinth
  • Spring in my hometown
  • Wrong love
  • Squirrel touching bai Soc Trang
  • .....

Family life info

Mai Le Quyen once experienced a love affair but unfortunately broke down, then she had to give birth alone and take care of her little daughter by herself. Up to now, her baby Suri has also grown up, it can be said that she is the motivation, belief, and comfort for her to overcome all the difficult hurdles to reach the success she is today.

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is Runner-up Mai Le Quyen? What Mai Le Quyen's weight?
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Summary of Mai Le Quyen profile

When was Runner-up Mai Le Quyen born?
Mai Le Quyen birthday 18-6-1983 (at the age of 41).
Where is Runner-up Mai Le Quyen's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Mai Le Quyen was born in Vietnam. Ms working and living in Oklahoma City, Hoa Ky. Ms, whose Zodiac is Gemini, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Pig. Mai Le Quyen's global rank is 88157 and whose rank is 75 in list of famous Runner-up. Population of the world in 1983 is about 4.690 billions persons.
Special event in 18-6-1983: Sally Ride became the first American woman in space.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of runner-up Mai Le Quyen

Mai Le Quyen with her little daughter

Latest pictures of singer Mai Le Quyen

beautiful and gentle Mai Le Quyen

Vietnamese Women's World runner-up Mai Le Quyen

Mai Le Quyen with singer Le Sang in her new music video

Mai Le Quyen ranking


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Note about Runner-up Mai Le Quyen

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