Sculpting artist Antonio Canova

Antonio Canova

Living place: Italy

Birthday: 1-11-1757

Global rank: #72490

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Sculpting artist Antonio Canova profile

Who is Sculpting artist Antonio Canova?
Italian sculptor from the Republic of Venice who is known for his marble sculptures, such as Psyche Revived by Kiss Cupid.
He is known for his heroic works, such as his Perseus with the Head of Medusa.

Young / Before famous

He grew up with his paternal grandmother and grandfather.

Family life info

His father died when he was young and his mother remarried, leaving him.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Sculpting artist Antonio Canova?
He made a tombstone of Horatio Nelson.

Body measurements of

How tall is Sculpting artist Antonio Canova? What Antonio Canova's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Antonio Canova profile

When was Sculpting artist Antonio Canova born?
Antonio Canova was born in 1-11-1757, death year is , at the age of 267.
Where is Sculpting artist Antonio Canova's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Antonio Canova was born in Italy. is a Sculpting artist, whose Zodiac is Scorpius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Ox. Antonio Canova's global rank is 72490 and whose rank is 123 in list of famous Sculpting artist.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1757 and 1-11

Birthday Antonio Canova (1-11) in history

  • Day 1-11 year 1512: The frescoes by artist Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel were first presented to the public.
  • Day 1-11 year 1755: A devastating earthquake, fire, and tsunami leveled the city of Lisbon, Portugal, and claimed the lives of 70,000 people. It is considered the most tragic event in Europe in the 18th century.
  • Day 1-11 year 1765: The Stamp Act, the first direct tax levied on the American colonies, went into effect.
  • Day 1-11 year 1870: The U.S. Weather Bureau made its first meteorological observations.
  • Day 1-11 year 1936: Benito Mussolini described the new alliance between Nazi Germany and Italy as an "axis" running between Berlin and Rome.
  • Day 1-11 year 1952: The United States exploded the first hydrogen bomb in a test in the Marshall Islands.
  • Day 1-11 year 1993: The Maastricht Treaty was enacted, establishing the European Union.
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Note about Sculpting artist Antonio Canova

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