Singer Cheng



Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: 7-5-1995 (29 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1995: 72 millions

Global rank: #94730



Phone number: updating

Singer Cheng profile

Who is Singer Cheng?

Cheng's real name is Nguyen Quang Anh is a male singer being actively searched by the online community information after he collaborated with rapper Den Vau on the song Always Love Life. Nguyen Quang Anh is a guy from Hanoi with a strong passion for music since he was a kid. However, his career was not spread with roses, but Quang Anh had to walk on her own two feet. He taught himself a lot of things from composing music to singing and performing skills.

Although he had to be independent since childhood, the Hanoi-born boy tried and worked hard to pursue his passion. his singing. In 2010, after graduating from junior high school, Cheng decided to start pursuing music. Self-taught many things, in 2013, he received the second prize in Tuoi Tre Tuoi Hong contest Hanoi City. In 2015, Nguyen Quang Anh was officially in the National Academy of Music's Choir Orchestra lineup Vietnam to attend an exchange with the Korean Conservatory of Music. He was also the Vice President of the music club at the University of Architecture until 2016.

In June 2016, his talent scored with rapper LK. This young male singer was accepted as a student by LK and became the Next-G Ladykillah. Until 2017, he joined the artist lineup invested by Hyper Music. He officially left a special mark in his solo career with the self-composed song Cu Xa Thu - OST of the movie of the same name. This song has received the response and sharing of a large audience and appeared on major music community sites as well as major Youtube channels.

At the end of 2022, he is one of the potential contestants of the program Big Song Big Deal - Best Song. Coming to this music program, the guy born in 1995 had a pretty viral song - Straight to the Heart. Opportunity also gradually smiled at him when Quang Anh had his first live stage at the Dream Cities music festival Ho Chi Minh City.

In 2023, this male singer and composer's musical career took another big step forward when he had the opportunity to collaborate with Den Vau in the newly released MV - Always Love Life. Currently, Cheng's name is known as a young music producer, singer, and songwriter in the music producer group Lantern Team. Some artists that he and the group have collaborated with are Chu Thuy Quynh , Isaac,...

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Body measurements of

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Summary of Cheng profile

When was Singer Cheng born?
Cheng birthday 7-5-1995 (at the age of 29).
Where is Singer Cheng's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Cheng was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Taurus, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Pig. Cheng's global rank is 94730 and whose rank is 1997 in list of famous Singer. Population of Vietnam in 1995 is about 72 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of Singer Cheng - Nguyen Quang Anh

Cheng - Nguyen Quang Anh has a handsome appearance

Image of Cheng in MV Always Loves Life

Image of Cheng's daily life

Cheng ranking


Cheng 07/03/23 16:35
Cheng là thí sinh tham gia chương trình Bài hát hay nhất - Big song big deal

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Events in 1995 and 7-5

Events in the world in the birth year of Cheng

  • US rescues Mexico's economy with $20-billion aid program (Feb. 21).
  • Russian space station Mir greets first Americans (March 14). US shuttle docks with station (June 27).
  • Nerve gas attack in Tokyo subway kills eight and injures thousands. The Aum Shinrikyo ("Supreme Truth") cult is to blame (March 20). Background: International Terrorism
  • Death toll 2,000 in Rwanda massacre (April 22).
  • Fighting escalates in Bosnia and Croatia (May 1). Warring parties agree on cease-fire (Oct. 5); sign peace treaty (Dec. 14).
  • France explodes nuclear device in Pacific; wide protests ensue (Sept. 5). Background: nuclear weapons
  • Israelis and Palestinians agree on transferring West Bank to Arabs (Sept. 24). Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin slain by Jewish extremist at peace rally (Nov. 4).

Birthday Cheng (7-5) in history

  • Day 7-5 year 1824: Beethoven's 9th Symphony premiered in Vienna.
  • Day 7-5 year 1847: The American Medical Association was first held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Day 7-5 year 1915: The British ocean liner Lusitania was sunk by a German submarine in World War I off the coast of Ireland.
  • Day 7-5 year 1945: Germany unconditionally surrendered to the allies in Rheims, France.
  • Day 7-5 year 1954: The 56-day-long battle of Dienbienphu ended with Ho Chi Minh's forces defeating the French, signaling the end of French power in Indochina.
  • Day 7-5 year 1992: The 27th Amendment to the Constitution, prohibiting mid-term Congressional pay raises, was ratified.
  • Day 7-5 year 1994: Edvard Munch's painting, The Scream was recovered a few months after it had been stolen.
  • Day 7-5 year 1999: During action against Yugoslavia, NATO jets mistakenly bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, killing three and injuring 20.
  • Day 7-5 year 2000: Vladimir Putin was inaugurated as Russia’s president.
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Note about Singer Cheng

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