Singer Danh Tuan Trung

Image of Danh Tuan Trung #

Danh Tuan Trung

Living place: Kien Giang

Birthday: 28-9-1993 (31 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1993: 69,64 millions

Global rank: #54072


Email: updating

Phone number: 0942 454 518

Singer Danh Tuan Trung profile

Who is Singer Danh Tuan Trung?
Danh Tuan Trung was born in 1993 in Kien Giang and is currently a name that the online community has been interested in and mentioned recently. here with famous songs such as: Life Has Never Ended, Crying For Life, Le Nam Nhi,... top songs on Zingmp3 that are loved by many audiences. He is also one of the potential rookies in the current music market. Not only his handsome and youthful appearance, but his voice is also extremely warm and appealing to listeners, helping him create an attraction that makes a strong impression on the public. Currently, his song "Le Nam Nhi" has ranked top 23 on Zing and appears a lot on tiktok.
Danh Tuan Trung is also known to the audience as the king of parody music. His parody songs are mainly about "Life" such as the songs: The Older The Sadder, The Fate of Being a Wife, The Heart of a Tattooed Person, A Time in a Man's Life, Money Ruins Love, Tet Without Money, Why Why Oh My... his parody songs with lyrics that are always close to reality and deeply meaningful lyrics that make anyone who listens love them. That's why singer Danh Tuan Trung is increasingly known and loved by the audience. Each MV he has just posted can receive thousands of views from the audience. At first, he made music just for his passion and love. Unexpectedly, his parody songs are very loved and well received by the audience. That's what gave him more motivation to develop and produce more and more parody music videos about Life. The songs he creates are often songs about his wife, about brotherhood, brotherhood, friends,... the lyrics are very realistic with everyday life, so they are very well received. and support. Currently, his YouTube channel has increased to more than 215 thousand subscribers. Nguoinoitieng. tv would like to wish young singer Danh Tuan Trung more success in his career and become more and more known to a wider audience.

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling Singer Danh Tuan Trung?

Body measurements of

How tall is Singer Danh Tuan Trung? What Danh Tuan Trung's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
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Summary of Danh Tuan Trung profile

When was Singer Danh Tuan Trung born?
Danh Tuan Trung birthday 28-9-1993 (at the age of 31).
Where is Singer Danh Tuan Trung's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Danh Tuan Trung was born in Kien Giang, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Libra, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rooster. Danh Tuan Trung's global rank is 54072 and whose rank is 833 in list of famous Singer. Population of Vietnam in 1993 is about 69,64 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of young singer Danh Tuan Trung
Portrait of young singer Danh Tuan Trung
 Image of handsome young singer Danh Tuan Trung
Image of handsome young singer Danh Tuan Trung
 Image of talented singer Danh Tuan Trung
Image of talented singer Danh Tuan Trung
 Danh Tuan Trung famous for his parody songs
Danh Tuan Trung famous for his parody songs

Danh Tuan Trung ranking


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Events in 1993 and 28-9

Events in the world in the birth year of Danh Tuan Trung

  • Vaclav Havel elected Czech President (Jan. 26).
  • British House of Commons approves European unity pact (May 20). Maastricht Treaty takes effect, creating European Union (Nov. 1).
  • Twenty-two UN troops killed in Somalia (June 5).
  • Israeli-Palestinian accord reached (Aug. 28).
  • Yeltsin's forces crush revolt in Russian Parliament (Oct. 4 et seq.).
  • China breaks nuclear test moratorium (Oct. 5).
  • South Africa adopts majority rule constitution (Nov. 18).

Birthday Danh Tuan Trung (28-9) in history

  • Day 28-9 year 1542: The famous explorer with dual Portuguese and Spanish citizenship, Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo, landed in what is now San Diego.
  • Day 28-9 year 1781: The "American Revolution" campaign ended in Yorktown Heights, Virginia.
  • Day 28-9 year 1920: Eight Chicago White Sox players were indicted for fixing the 1919 World Series in the "Black Sox scandal."
  • Day 28-9 year 1924: Two U.S. Army planes landed in Seattle after completing the first round-the-world-flight in 175 days.
  • Day 28-9 year 1939: A German-Soviet agreement divided Poland between Nazi Germany and the USSR.
  • Day 28-9 year 1967: Walter Washington became the first mayor of the District of Columbia.
  • Day 28-9 year 1972: Japan and Communist China agreed to re-establish diplomatic relations.
  • Day 28-9 year 1989: Former Philippine President Ferdinand E. Marcos died in exile in Hawaii.
  • Day 28-9 year 1991: Jazz great Miles Davis died.
  • Day 28-9 year 2003: Althea Gibson, the first African-American tennis player to win at Wimbledon, died.
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