Singer Hong Vy


Hong Vy

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: 24-7-1979 (45 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1979: 52,57 millions

Global rank: #87171


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Singer Hong Vy profile

Who is Singer Hong Vy?
Hong Vy's full name is Tran Thi Hong Vy, a famous female artist among the prominent sopranos of chamber and revolutionary music. She is the cradle of the late People's Artist Doan Tan. During her career as an artist, she has achieved many achievements and prestigious awards. In 2001, she won second prize in the national Sao Mai Television Singing Contest. In 2003, she won the Gold Medal at the All-Army Professional Art Festival. In 2004, she won third prize in the 3rd National Opera Chamber singing competition. In 2012, she was awarded the title of Meritorious Artist by the government Vietnam . She used to work at the Military Music and Dance Theater, the Opera and Symphony Theater Ho Chi Minh City , Vietnam Music and Dance Theater.
In June 2019, artist Hong Vy discovered that she had stage 4 cancer. After a period of treatment, her cancer index decreased. lower. Seeing that her health was improving, she continued with her work. At the end of 2020, she put all her effort into conducting her first live show in the capital Hanoi. This is to satisfy her desire for music before something bad happens.
In March 2021, her cancer index gradually increased again, and her health began to show signs. sign of decline. After 4 years of fighting cancer, she passed away forever on May 5, 2023. In the last days, she had swelling in her legs, and cancer cells had spread throughout her body, causing necrosis in her intestines. On May 8, artist Hong Vy's funeral took place at the Ministry of National Defense Funeral Home. Her ashes were brought to Hanoi by her family members according to her wishes during her lifetime.

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Body measurements of

How tall is Singer Hong Vy? What Hong Vy's weight?
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Summary of Hong Vy profile

When was Singer Hong Vy born?
Hong Vy birthday 24-7-1979 (at the age of 45).
Where is Singer Hong Vy's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Hong Vy was born in Quang Tri, of Vietnam. Ms working and living in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Ms, whose Zodiac is Leo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Goat. Hong Vy's global rank is 87171 and whose rank is 1699 in list of famous Singer. Population of Vietnam in 1979 is about 52,57 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait photo of outstanding artist Hong Vy

Image of singer Hong Vy during her lifetime

Image of singer Hong Vy smiling brightly

Image of singer Hong Vy on the music stage

Hong Vy ranking


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Events in 1979 and 24-7

Events in the world in the birth year of Hong Vy

  • Vietnam and Vietnam-backed Cambodian insurgents announce fall of Cambodian capital Phnom Penh and collapse of Pol Pot regime (Jan. 7).
  • Shah leaves Iran after year of turmoil (Jan. 16); revolutionary forces under Muslim leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, take over (Feb. 1 et seq.).
  • Conservatives win British election; Margaret Thatcher becomes new prime minister (May 3).
  • Carter and Brezhnev sign SALT II agreement (June 14).
  • Nicaraguan President General Anastasio Somoza Debayle resigns and flees to Miami (July 17); Sandinistas form government (July 19).
  • Iranian militants seize US embassy in Teheran and hold hostages (Nov. 4).
  • Soviet invasion of Afghanistan stirs world protests (Dec. 27).

Birthday Hong Vy (24-7) in history

  • Day 24-7 year 1847: Brigham Young and the first members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) arrived at the Great Salt Lake.
  • Day 24-7 year 1862: Martin Van Buren, the eighth president of the United States, died in Kinderhook, N.Y.
  • Day 24-7 year 1866: Tennessee became the first Confederate state to be readmitted to the Union.
  • Day 24-7 year 1937: Charges against five black men accused of raping two white women in the Scottsboro case were dropped.
  • Day 24-7 year 1974: The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that President Richard Nixon had to turn over White House tapes to the Watergate special prosecutor.
  • Day 24-7 year 2002: Nine coal miners were trapped in a mine in Pennsylvania. All were rescued three days later.
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