Singer Huynh Phan Trong Quynh

Image of Huynh Phan Trong Quynh #

Huynh Phan Trong Quynh

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: 6-4-1991 (33 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1991: 67,24 millions

Global rank: #65063


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Singer Huynh Phan Trong Quynh profile

Who is Singer Huynh Phan Trong Quynh?
- Huynh Phan Trong Quynh is a handsome young male singer who is interested and loved by many viewers on the online community. On his personal page alone, he has nearly 32,000 followers. It is this interest of the audience that helps him get closer to the audience and gain more support.
- Besides singing, he also likes acting and encroaching on cinema, and used to participate. He has just completed his role in the movie "Two Cups" which is being received quite successfully.
- He was also known by the audience. Through many TV shows he participated in such as: Nhan To Mystery, Vietnam Idol, Tieng Hat Television, The winner is..
- Despite his young age, the music that Trong Quynh aims for is ballads. sad, immortal pre-war songs.
His hit songs:
  • Love Songs For You (Rainbow No... - Nguyen Minh Cuong, Huynh Phan Trong Quynh
  • Forgotten A Dream - Huynh Phan Trong Quynh
  • Oi Beloved - Nguyen Minh Cuong, Huynh Phan Trong Quynh
  • Beat Lover (Beat) - Nguyen M Huynh Phan Trong Quynh, Huynh Phan Trong Quynh>
  • Desperate Love - Hoang Ky Nam, Huynh Phan Trong Quynh

Young / Before famous

- He graduated from the vocal department of the College of Culture and Arts Ho Chi Minh City.

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling Singer Huynh Phan Trong Quynh?

Body measurements of

How tall is Singer Huynh Phan Trong Quynh? What Huynh Phan Trong Quynh's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Huynh Phan Trong Quynh profile

When was Singer Huynh Phan Trong Quynh born?
Huynh Phan Trong Quynh birthday 6-4-1991 (at the age of 33).
Where is Singer Huynh Phan Trong Quynh's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Huynh Phan Trong Quynh was born in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Aries, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Goat. Huynh Phan Trong Quynh's global rank is 65063 and whose rank is 939 in list of famous Singer. Population of Vietnam in 1991 is about 67,24 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of singer Huynh Phan Trong Quynh
Portrait of singer Huynh Phan Trong Quynh
 Huynh Phan Trong Quynh in everyday life
Huynh Phan Trong Quynh in everyday life
 Image of Huynh Phan Trong Quynh in the new MV
Image of Huynh Phan Trong Quynh in the new MV

Huynh Phan Trong Quynh ranking


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Events in 1991 and 6-4

Events in the world in the birth year of Huynh Phan Trong Quynh

  • Cease-fire ends Persian Gulf War (April 3); UN forces are victorious. Background: The Persian Gulf War
  • Europeans end sanctions on South Africa (April 15). South African Parliament repeals apartheid laws (June 5).
  • France agrees to sign 1968 treaty banning spread of atomic weapons (June 3). China accepts nuclear nonproliferation treaty (Aug. 10). Bush-Gorbachev summit negotiates strategic arms reduction treaty (July 31).
  • Communist Government of Albania resigns (June 4).
  • Warsaw Pact dissolved (July 1).
  • Boris Yeltsin becomes first freely elected president of Russian Republic (July 10). Yeltsin's stock increases when he takes a prominent role in suppressing an anti-Gorbachev coup by communist hardliners (Aug. 18-22). Background: Rulers of Russia since 1533
  • Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia win independence from USSR (Aug. 25); US recognizes them (Sept. 2).
  • Haitian troops seize president in uprising (Sept. 30). US suspends assistance to Haiti (Oct. 1).
  • US indicts two Libyans in 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland (Nov. 15).
  • Soviet Union breaks up after President Gorbachev's resignation; constituent republics form Commonwealth of Independent States (Dec. 25). Background: Dissolution of the USSR

Birthday Huynh Phan Trong Quynh (6-4) in history

  • Day 6-4 year 1830: Religious leader Joseph Smith and five others organized The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Fayette, New York.
  • Day 6-4 year 1862: The Battle of Shiloh in the American Civil War began.
  • Day 6-4 year 1896: First modern Olympic Games opened in Athens, Greece.
  • Day 6-4 year 1909: Robert Peary and Matthew Henson became the first to reach the North Pole.
  • Day 6-4 year 1917: U.S. declared war on Germany and entered World War I.
  • Day 6-4 year 1994: The presidents of Rwanda and Burundi were killed in a plane crash.
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Note about Singer Huynh Phan Trong Quynh

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