Streamer Lazy Boy

Lazy Boy

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: 19-3-1998 (26 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1998: 75,46 millions

Global rank: #702



Phone number: updating

Streamer Lazy Boy profile

Who is Streamer Lazy Boy?
Lazy Boy, whose real name is Dang Hoang Anh, is a young and extremely talented streamer. Currently, Hoang Anh is studying at Dai Nam University and is also a young streamer. loved by many people.
Lazy Boy is a guy who is extremely passionate about games, but when he decided to pursue his career as a streamer, Lazy Boy encountered many barriers. At first, Lazy Boy had to "plow" for 3 months in the summer to have money to buy a computer for livestream work. But for Lazy Boy, being able to do what he loves is already a boundless happiness.
With passion and relentless efforts, now Lazy Boy also has a little bit of achievement. small. He has competed in the Northern Hall of Fame qualifiers, participated in a number of tournaments organized by Garena and won many high achievements.
Lazy Boy's professional position is Caesar, for this position Lazy Boy is very confident about his sharp lane ability.
Currently, Lazy Boy's personal fanpage has attracted nearly 70 thousand followers - an extremely impressive number. Receiving a lot of attention and love from the online community, Lazy Boy feels extremely happy and excited. Lazy Boy regularly maintains his livestream work at 8 o'clock and always receives thousands of viewers.
However, Lazy Boy is extremely passionate about the game but still tries to arrange a reasonable time to play. secure school attendance. He will try his best to complete the course and graduate as planned.
In addition, Lazy Boy still often travels with relatives and friends when he has time. Each trip gives Lazy Boy extremely interesting practical experiences and he also has a relaxing and comfortable time after a series of stressful working days.
May Lazy Boy become more and more successful. more success on the path you have chosen!

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling Streamer Lazy Boy?

Body measurements of

How tall is Streamer Lazy Boy? What Lazy Boy's weight?
Height: 1m70
Weight: about 65 kg
Three-round measurements: updating

Summary of Lazy Boy profile

When was Streamer Lazy Boy born?
Lazy Boy birthday 19-3-1998 (at the age of 26).
Where is Streamer Lazy Boy's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Lazy Boy was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Pisces, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Tiger. Lazy Boy's global rank is 702 and whose rank is 46 in list of famous Streamer. Population of Vietnam in 1998 is about 75,46 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Close-up of Lazy Boy's beautiful face
Close-up of Lazy Boy's beautiful face
 Elegant and handsome Lazy Boy
Elegant and handsome Lazy Boy
 Outstanding handsome Lazy Boy image
Outstanding handsome Lazy Boy image

Lazy Boy ranking


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Events in 1998 and 19-3

Events in the world in the birth year of Lazy Boy

  • Serbs battle ethnic Albanians in Kosovo (March 5 et seq.). Serbs renew attack on Kosovo rebels (June 1). NATO, on verge of air strikes, reaches settlement with Milosevic on Kosovo (Oct. 12).
  • Good Friday Accord is reached in Northern Ireland (April 10). Irish Parliament backs peace agreement (April 22). Background: N. Ireland Peace Negotiations
  • Europeans agree on single currency, the euro (May 3).
  • India conducts three atomic tests despite worldwide disapproval (May 11, 13). Pakistan stages five nuclear tests in response (May 29, 30).
  • Indonesian dictator Suharto steps down after 32 years in power (May 21).
  • Iraq ends cooperation with UN arms inspectors (Aug. 5). Clinton orders air strikes (Dec. 16–19).
  • US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania bombed (Aug. 7). US cruise missiles hit suspected terrorist bases in Sudan and Afghanistan (Aug. 20).
  • Russia fights to avert financial collapse (Aug. 17).
  • Former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet arrested in London (Oct. 16).
  • Wye Mills Agreement between Netanyahu and Arafat moves Middle East peace talks forward (Oct. 23). Background: Middle East Peace Negotiations

Birthday Lazy Boy (19-3) in history

  • Day 19-3 year 1853: During the Taiping Rebellion in China, the rebels captured Nanking and renamed it T'en-ching (Heavenly Capital).
  • Day 19-3 year 1920: The United States Senate voted down signing the Treaty of Versailles for the second time.
  • Day 19-3 year 1931: Nevada state legislature legalized gambling.
  • Day 19-3 year 1953: The Academy Awards were first televised.
  • Day 19-3 year 1996: Sarajevo became a united city again after four years when Moslem-Croat authorities took control of the last district held by Serbs.
  • Day 19-3 year 2003: Mahmoud Abbas became prime minister of Palestine. He would later succeed Yasir Arafat as head of the PLO and president of the Palestinian Authority.
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Note about Streamer Lazy Boy

Lazy Boy infomation and profile updated by