Surfing athlete Clay Marzo

Clay Marzo

Living place: San Diego

Birthday: 17-7-1989 (35 years old)

Population of US 1989: 246,819,230

Global rank: #74665

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Surfing athlete Clay Marzo profile

Who is Surfing athlete Clay Marzo?
Surfer fame was named champion at the 2005 National NSSA Men's Open. He was also nominated for Water Man of the Year and Maneuver of the Year at the Surfer Poll Awards in 2006 and 2007 respectively.
He was diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome in 2007 and has since been active in autism awareness campaigns such as Surfers Cure.

Young / Before famous

He started surfing at a very young age and ten he won the 200 meter freestyle at the Hawaii State Championships.

Family life info

Although born in San Diego, he was raised in Lahaina, Hawaii.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Surfing athlete Clay Marzo là ai?
He was a member of the Quiksilver Young Guns crew alongside Kelly Slater and Julian Wilson.

Body measurements of

How tall is Surfing athlete Clay Marzo? What Clay Marzo's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Clay Marzo profile

When was Surfing athlete Clay Marzo born?
Clay Marzo birthday 17-7-1989 (at the age of 35).
Where is Surfing athlete Clay Marzo's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Clay Marzo was born in San Diego, California- United States. Là Surfing athlete, whose Zodiac is Cancer, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Snake. Clay Marzo's global rank is 74665 and whose rank is 49 in list of famous Surfing athlete. Population of US in 1989 is about 246,819,230 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1989 and 17-7

Events in US in the birth year of Clay Marzo

  • George Herbert Walker Bush inaugurated as 41st US President (Jan. 20).
  • Ruptured tanker Exxon Valdez sends 11 million gallons of crude oil into Alaska's Prince William Sound (March 24).
  • US jury convicts Oliver North in Iran-Contra affair (May 4).
  • Army Gen. Colin R. Powell is first black Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff (Aug. 9).
  • A San Francisco Bay area earthquake measuring 7.1 in magnitude, killed 67 and injured over 3,000. Over 100,000 buildings damaged or destroyed. (Oct. 17)

Birthday Clay Marzo (17-7) in history

  • Day 17-7 year 1821: Spain ceded Florida to the United States.
  • Day 17-7 year 1898: Spain surrendered to the United States at Santiago, Cuba, ending the Spanish-American War.
  • Day 17-7 year 1917: The British royal family changed its name from the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor amid anti-German senitment during World War I.
  • Day 17-7 year 1938: "Wrong Way Corrigan" took off from New York, purportedly aiming for California and landing in Ireland.
  • Day 17-7 year 1945: President Harry Truman, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill meet at the opening of the Potsdam Conference.
  • Day 17-7 year 1955: Disneyland opened in Anaheim, Calif.
  • Day 17-7 year 1975: The American Apollo and Soviet Soyuz spacecraft linked up for the first time.
  • Day 17-7 year 1998: The last Russian Czar Nicholas II was buried 80 years after he and his family were executed by the Bolsheviks.
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Note about Surfing athlete Clay Marzo

Clay Marzo infomation and profile updated by