Model Ly Quoc Tuong

Image of Ly Quoc Tuong #

Ly Quoc Tuong

Living place: Los Angeles

Birthday: 24-12-1989 (35 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1989: 64,77 millions

Global rank: #85720


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Model Ly Quoc Tuong profile

Who is Model Ly Quoc Tuong?
Ly Quoc Tuong is not an unfamiliar name in the Vietnamese modeling industry. He was once one of the familiar supermodels of the Fashion Life program and several major fashion shows in the city. HCM. In addition, he also regularly appears as a photo model for magazines...
Quoc Tuong was known to the audience after the Supermodel contest Vietnam 2010, and was considered the contestant with the best body shape with a Top 6 final result, and won 4 awards extra at the competition. At the end of the competition, instead of engaging in art like others, Quoc Tuong chose to return to America and continue studying. This decision of Ly Quoc Tuong made many people feel sorry for him because the opportunity was good and at the same time, a number of invitations to participate in movies also came but he refused. For him, art is a passion but studying is very important, studying will help him develop in the future. While studying medicine in My, Quoc Tuong often participated in a number of shows and took fashion photos for a number of magazines.
Immediately after graduating from the course, Quoc Tuong returned to Vietnam and continued continues to reappear on the catwalk. Being able to live with passion and do what I like makes me feel very happy. Although he does not participate in many cultural and artistic activities in the country, supermodel Ly Quoc Tuong, the young man who made waves in the Vietnam Supermodel contest with two outstanding awards, is the Super Model Body & Super Model India awards. Every year, the idol still maintains his form and is even more and more outstanding.
Even though work is busy, Quoc Tuong often takes time to volunteer to help the poor, Disadvantaged people. He always encourages artists like him to form volunteer groups to go to hospitals to give gifts and words of encouragement to patients to help them have more strength to live. Not only his beautiful appearance and intelligent conversation, but also his sociable lifestyle and compassionate heart have made everyone around him love him even more.

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling Model Ly Quoc Tuong?

Body measurements of

How tall is Model Ly Quoc Tuong? What Ly Quoc Tuong's weight?
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Summary of Ly Quoc Tuong profile

When was Model Ly Quoc Tuong born?
Ly Quoc Tuong birthday 24-12-1989 (at the age of 35).
Where is Model Ly Quoc Tuong's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Ly Quoc Tuong was born in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Los Angeles, of United States. Mr, whose Zodiac is Capricorn, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Snake. Ly Quoc Tuong's global rank is 85720 and whose rank is 2055 in list of famous Model. Population of Vietnam in 1989 is about 64,77 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait image of model Ly Quoc Tuong
Portrait image of model Ly Quoc Tuong
 Image of handsome and masculine Ly Quoc Tuong
Image of handsome and masculine Ly Quoc Tuong
 Image of Ly Quoc Tuong passionate about art
Image of Ly Quoc Tuong passionate about art

Ly Quoc Tuong ranking


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Events in 1989 and 24-12

Events in the world in the birth year of Ly Quoc Tuong

  • US planes shoot down two Libyan fighters over international waters in Mediterranean (Jan. 4).
  • Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini declares author Salman Rushdie's book The Satanic Verses offensive and sentences him to death (Feb. 14).
  • Tens of thousands of Chinese students take over Beijing's Tiananmen Square in rally for democracy (April 19 et seq.). More than one million in Beijing demonstrate for democracy; chaos spreads across nation (mid-May et seq.). Thousands killed in Tiananmen Square as Chinese leaders take hard line toward demonstrators (June 4 et seq.).
  • Mikhail S. Gorbachev named Soviet President (May 25).
  • P. W. Botha quits as South Africa's President (Aug. 14).
  • Deng Xiaoping resigns from China's leadership (Nov. 9).
  • After 28 years, Berlin Wall is open to West (Nov. 11).
  • Czech Parliament ends Communists' dominant role (Nov. 30).
  • Romanian uprising overthrows Communist government (Dec. 15 et seq.); President Ceausescu and wife executed (Dec. 25).
  • US troops invade Panama, seeking capture of General Manuel Noriega (Dec. 20).

Birthday Ly Quoc Tuong (24-12) in history

  • Day 24-12 year 1524: The great Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama passed away in Cochin, India.
  • Day 24-12 year 1814: The war between Great Britain and the United States (1982) ended with the signing of the Treaty of Ghent.
  • Day 24-12 year 1818: "Silent Night" was composed by Franz Joseph Gruber.
  • Day 24-12 year 1865: The Ku Klux Klan was formed in Pulaski, Tennessee.
  • Day 24-12 year 1871: Giuseppe Verdi's opera Aida premiered in Cairo, Egypt, at the opening of the Suez Canal.
  • Day 24-12 year 1943: Gen. Dwight Eisenhower was appointed supreme commander of Allied Forces by President Franklin Roosevelt.
  • Day 24-12 year 1992: President Bush pardoned former defense secretary Caspar Weinberger and five others in the Iran-Contra scandal.
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Note about Model Ly Quoc Tuong

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