Teacher Truong Trong Vu

Truong Trong Vu

Living place: Vietnam

Birthday: ?-?-1994 (30 years old)

Population of the world 1994: 5.602 billions

Global rank: #4566

Facebook: facebook.com/hoahocthayTruongTrongVu

Email: trongvu113@gmail.com

Phone number: 0937 191 607

Teacher Truong Trong Vu profile

Who is Teacher Truong Trong Vu?
Mr. Truong Trong Vu is a famous Chemistry teacher. Mr. Vu graduated from Hanoi University of Education 2 and is considered one of the "masters" of exam preparation in Chemistry. In recent years, the name Truong Trong Vu has become familiar to many scholars. Mr. Vu is teaching at Uranus Developing and Training Center. He has more than 10 years of experience teaching high school chemistry, exam preparation for excellent students, and university exam preparation.
With a "super logical" learning path, teacher Vu has helped thousands of students effectively review for the exam. Get the highest score possible. He has many exclusive methods for quickly solving multiple choice exercises, unique only to Mr. Vu. The teacher's teaching style is dynamic, creative, and flexible at the right time with students. He always synthesizes key issues, concisely but still full of knowledge according to a system of topics.
In order to help students relieve stress and pressure before the National High School Exam, Mr. Vu organizes a course that starts early to finish quickly. More than 70% of my early starting students achieved the goal of passing NV1. This course is suitable for those who are from beginners to quite talented. The teacher will systematically systematize knowledge to help students understand the lesson more thoroughly and no longer worry about not knowing where to start.
His students can study directly through closed groups. on Facebook and his TikTok channel. Accompanied by many online lectures that build a Chemistry foundation for students. In addition, the teacher also regularly organizes competency assessment exams to practice test-taking skills, allocate time appropriately, and devise specific strategies for the high school graduation exam. His "Early Start Course" tuition is higher than many other teachers because he personally responds to students' messages 24/7. The teacher always keeps in mind: "A million raindrops will never fall in the wrong place. A million tuition fees will never be wasted on you".
When entering the sprint period 1 month before the high school graduation exam, Mr. Vu started the movement "Speed ​​​​test practice" and Total review with lightning speed" to cover all knowledge from A to Z, from theory to exercises, from super easy to extremely difficult. .
As a young teacher with a huge number of students following online learning platforms, Mr. Vu also has to face a lot of pressure. An incomplete explanation or, more seriously, even a small mistake by the teacher when teaching can cause a storm

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Summary of Truong Trong Vu profile

When was Teacher Truong Trong Vu born?
Truong Trong Vu birthday ?-?-1994 (at the age of 30).
Where is Teacher Truong Trong Vu's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Truong Trong Vu was born in Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dog. Truong Trong Vu's global rank is 4566 and whose rank is 48 in list of famous Teacher. Population of the world in 1994 is about 5.602 billions persons.
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Teacher Truong Trong Vu is passionate about his profession
Teacher Truong Trong Vu is passionate about his profession
Teacher Truong Trong Vu organizes an early start course
Teacher Truong Trong Vu organizes an early start course
Teacher Truong Trong Vu is an expert in Chemistry exam preparation
Teacher Truong Trong Vu is an expert in Chemistry exam preparation

Truong Trong Vu ranking


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Events in 1994 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Truong Trong Vu

  • Serbs' heavy weapons pound Sarajevo (Jan. 5-6).
  • Thousands dead in Rwanda massacre (April 6).
  • South Africa holds first interracial national election (April 29); Nelson Mandela elected President.
  • Israel signs accord with Palestinians (May 4), peace treaty with Jordan (Oct. 17).
  • IRA declares cease-fire in Northern Ireland (Aug. 31). Ulster Protestants declare cease-fire (Oct. 13).
  • Aristide returns to Haiti (Oct. 4), forms Government with Prime Minister and full Cabinet (Nov. 9).
  • US sends forces to Persian Gulf (Oct. 7).
  • Russians attack secessionist Republic of Chechnya (Dec. 11 et seq.).
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Note about Teacher Truong Trong Vu

Truong Trong Vu infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.