TV actress Melissa Sagemiller

Melissa Sagemiller

Living place: DC

Birthday: 1-6-1974 (50 years old)

Population of the world 1974: 4.012 billions

Global rank: #44935

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TV actress Melissa Sagemiller profile

Who is TV actress Melissa Sagemiller?
Famous from her role in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.. , she is appearing in the 2002 comedy film Sorority Boys
She played Michelle Ernhardt in the show Raise the Bar

Young / Before famous

She had her first camera experience as Allison McAllister in Get 2001's Over It.

Family life info

She is married to Alex Nesic, her co-star from Sleeper Cell.

Close relationship

Who is Boy friend/ husband/ darling TV actress Melissa Sagemiller?
She co-starred in the Cell chapter Sleeper with Oded Fehr.

Body measurements of

How tall is TV actress Melissa Sagemiller? What Melissa Sagemiller's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Melissa Sagemiller profile

When was TV actress Melissa Sagemiller born?
Melissa Sagemiller birthday 1-6-1974 (at the age of 50).
Where is TV actress Melissa Sagemiller's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Melissa Sagemiller was born in . Ms, whose Zodiac is Gemini, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Tiger. Melissa Sagemiller's global rank is 44935 and whose rank is 2686 in list of famous TV actress. Population of the world in 1974 is about 4.012 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Melissa Sagemiller Television Actress Portrait
Melissa Sagemiller Television Actress Portrait
A new picture of Melissa Sagemiller- Famous DC TV Actress
A new picture of Melissa Sagemiller- Famous DC TV Actress
Latest picture of Melissa Sagemiller TV Actress
Latest picture of Melissa Sagemiller TV Actress

Melissa Sagemiller ranking


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Events in 1974 and 1-6

Events in the world in the birth year of Melissa Sagemiller

  • OPEC ends the oil embargo begun in 1973 during the Yom Kippur War (Mar. 18).
  • Nixon and Brezhnev meet in Moscow to discuss arms limitation agreements. Background: nuclear disarmament
  • Leftist revolution ends almost 50 years of dictatorial rule in Portugal (launched Apr. 25).
  • India successfully tests an atomic device, becoming the world's sixth nuclear power (May 18).
  • Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia is deposed. A collective military dictatorship assumes power (Sept. 12).

Birthday Melissa Sagemiller (1-6) in history

  • Day 1-6 year 1792: Kentucky becomes the 15th state to adopt the US constitution.
  • Day 1-6 year 1796: Tennessee becomes the 16th state to adopt the US constitution.
  • Day 1-6 year 1938: The first issue of Action Comics, featuring Superman, was published.
  • Day 1-6 year 1958: General Charles De Gaulle became the premier of France.
  • Day 1-6 year 1968: Helen Keller, blind and deaf author-lecturer, died.
  • Day 1-6 year 1980: Cable News Network (CNN) debuted.
  • Day 1-6 year 2001: Crown Prince Dipendra of Nepal wiped out most of the royal family before shooting himself.
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Note about TV actress Melissa Sagemiller

Melissa Sagemiller infomation and profile updated by