TV show Giac Quan Thu 6

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TV show

Giac Quan Thu 6

Working place: Ho Chi Minh

Founding day: 13-1-2019 (5 years old)

Population of Vietnam 2019: 96,46tr

Global rank: #87429


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TV show Giac Quan Thu 6 profile

Who is TV show Giac Quan Thu 6?
The TV show "Sixth Sense" is a television game that demonstrates the player's intuitive judgment and all other senses regarding the profession or interests of the guest, made by Vietnam Television and broadcast at 12 noon every Sunday on VTV3 starting January 13, 2019.
Up to now, the show has aired its 4th season. "Sixth Sense" season 4 will start airing at 12:00 on Sunday, February 13, 2022 on channel VTV3, with the host of 2 MCs Thanh Trung and Lam Vy Da. With this season, Lam Vy Da will play the role of a person who puts pressure and difficulties for guests when participating in the program. MC Thanh Trung still plays the main lead role, connecting the guests with the mysterious characters and the audience. Returning after 2 seasons, Lam Vy Da shared that this season's show has changed a lot compared to the first season, the stage is more spectacular, the format is newer and brings more useful knowledge. Unlike previous seasons, in this season, if the guest answers any wrong answer, the prize money they lose will be completely lost in the pocket of Lam Vy Da and 5 mysterious characters of the show.
The program "Sixth Sense" season 4 keeps the same key competitions as the previous season, the program will have 5 rounds, each round will correspond to 1 pack random bonus of 1,000.000.5. 000. 000.10. 000. 000.15. 000, 000 and 25, 000, 000 VND chosen by the guests. The guest's task is to indicate the respective professions for the 5 characters participating on the stage. In the process of participating in the game, the guest will have 2 support rights: the right to exclude and the right to access, helping the guest get more information to give the best answer. The most recent thing that can be mentioned is that the amount of money that guests "lost" will be transferred to Lam Vy Da and 5 mysterious characters. This is also seen as a worthy reward for their efforts to confuse and distract their guests. At the end of 5 rounds, guests will open the safe they chose at the beginning of the program to read the message in that safe will be "Double", "Divide" or "Stay".

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Summary of Giac Quan Thu 6 profile

When was TV show Giac Quan Thu 6 born?
Giac Quan Thu 6 founding day 13-1-2019 (at the age of 5).
Where is TV show Giac Quan Thu 6's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Giac Quan Thu 6 was born in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. is a TV show, whose Zodiac is Capricorn, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dog. Giac Quan Thu 6's global rank is 87429 and whose rank is 140 in list of famous TV show. Population of Vietnam in 2019 is about 96,46tr persons.
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The program "Sixth Sense" is broadcast at 12 noon every Sunday on VTV3
The program "Sixth Sense" is broadcast at 12 noon every Sunday on VTV3
"Sixth Sense" program under the direction of MC Thanh Trung and Lam Vy Da
"Sixth Sense" program under the direction of MC Thanh Trung and Lam Vy Da
"Sixth Sense" program. Give the audience moments of relaxation
"Sixth Sense" program. Give the audience moments of relaxation

Giac Quan Thu 6 ranking


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Events in 2019 and 13-1

Founding day Giac Quan Thu 6 (13-1) in history

  • Day 13-1 year 1898: French writer Emile Zola published his "J'Accuse" letter, accusing the French of a cover-up in the Alfred Dreyfus treason case.
  • Day 13-1 year 1941: Novelist James Joyce died in Zurich.
  • Day 13-1 year 1990: Douglas Wilder of Virginia became the first elected African-American governor in the United States.
  • Day 13-1 year 1999: Michael Jordan announced his second retirement from the NBA. He would "unretire" again in 2001.
  • Day 13-1 year 2002: After 17,162 performances, The Fantasticks ended its almost 42-year off-Broadway run.
  • Day 13-1 year 2004: Joseph Darby, a U.S. soldier at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, reported U.S. abuses of Iraqi prisoners to the Army's Criminal Investigations Division..
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