Vlogger Trang Thach

Trang Thach

Living place: Augsburg

Birthday: 20-2-1998 (26 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1998: 75,46 millions

Global rank: #73910

Facebook: facebook.com/thachnguyenphuongtrang

Email: updating

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Vlogger Trang Thach profile

Who is Vlogger Trang Thach?
Trang Thach's full name is Thach Nguyen Phuong Trang, is a beautiful and extremely talented girl. Trang Thach is currently an international student of communication in Germany and also the owner of a famous youtube channel that is loved by many young people.
Trang Thach has a beautiful face, personality and is always overflowing. full of life. Trang Thach regularly shares a lot of interesting things about her study abroad life, such as her study abroad experience in Germany, how to take photos and edit photos on Instagram or simple daily makeup steps that exude a radiant beauty. People.
Looking at Trang Thach's videos, we can see that the videos are not too sophisticated but exude a unique charm. That is the very humorous, close, warm and extremely attractive way of talking of the little owner Trang Thach. That's why the number of followers of Trang Thach's youtube channel is increasing day by day. Currently, Trang Thach's youtube channel attracts nearly 190 thousand followers - an impressive number. Being cared for, loved and always supported by many people, Trang Thach feels extremely happy and joyful. She always considers that as a motivation for herself to try to improve herself more and more.
In addition to enjoying video, photography and beauty, Trang also has a hobby of traveling to discover new lands in Vietnam as well as Germany, which she is studying. Each trip brings Trang extremely interesting practical experiences.
Sharing a little more about her future plans, Trang said that she will try her best to complete the communication course at the university. In addition, Trang also constantly develops her youtube channel to gain more and more viewers. Trang will not forget to share her secrets on how to learn German and English for young people with the same passion as her.
Hopefully, Trang Thach will be more and more successful on the path she has chosen. choose.

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is Vlogger Trang Thach? What Trang Thach's weight?
Height: updating
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Summary of Trang Thach profile

When was Vlogger Trang Thach born?
Trang Thach birthday 20-2-1998 (at the age of 26).
Where is Vlogger Trang Thach's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Trang Thach was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Ms working and living in Augsburg, of Germany. Ms, whose Zodiac is Pisces, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Tiger. Trang Thach's global rank is 73910 and whose rank is 81 in list of famous Vlogger. Population of Vietnam in 1998 is about 75,46 millions persons.
Special event in 20-2-1998: Tara Lipinski won the Olympic figure skating gold medal.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Close-up of the beautiful face of youtuber Trang Thach
Close-up of the beautiful face of youtuber Trang Thach
 Trang Thach is beautiful while traveling in France
Trang Thach is beautiful while traveling in France
 Trang Thach is beautiful and gentle
Trang Thach is beautiful and gentle
 Trang Thach has an extremely dynamic style
Trang Thach has an extremely dynamic style

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Note about Vlogger Trang Thach

Trang Thach infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.