Wrestling athletes Takashi Iizuka

Takashi Iizuka

Living place: Japan

Birthday: 2-8-1966 (58 years old)

Population of the world 1966: 3.415 billions

Global rank: #97214

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Wrestling athletes Takashi Iizuka profile

Who is Wrestling athletes Takashi Iizuka?
Japanese professional wrestler who has won multiple Tag Team IWGP championships with partners like Toru Yano and Kazuo Yamazaki in New Japan Pro Wrestling. He also won a GHC Tag Team Championship with Pro Wrestling Noah in 2013.
He won the Best Bout award at Tokyo Sports' for himself and matched Toru Yano against Keiji Mutoh and Kenta Kobashi All Together in 2011.

Young / Before famous

He made his professional wrestling debut in a match against Akira Nogami at New Japan Pro Wrestling in November 1986. He left to the Soviet Union to train in large deer in June 1989.

Family life info

He was born in Muroran, Hokkaido.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Wrestling athletes Takashi Iizuka là ai?
He won the G1 Tag tournament with the Yuji Nagata League in November 2000.

Body measurements of

How tall is Wrestling athletes Takashi Iizuka? What Takashi Iizuka's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Takashi Iizuka profile

When was Wrestling athletes Takashi Iizuka born?
Takashi Iizuka birthday 2-8-1966 (at the age of 58).
Where is Wrestling athletes Takashi Iizuka's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Takashi Iizuka was born in Japan. Là Wrestling athletes, whose Zodiac is Leo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Horse. Takashi Iizuka's global rank is 97214 and whose rank is 682 in list of famous Wrestling athletes. Population of the world in 1966 is about 3.415 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1966 and 2-8

Events in the world in the birth year of Takashi Iizuka

  • France withdraws its forces from NATO. President De Gaulle visits the USSR (June 20).
  • Sukarno leaves office in Indonesia; Suharto assumes power.
  • Botswana, Lesotho, and Guyana become independent states within the British Commonwealth.
  • India suffers the worst famine in 20 years; Lyndon Johnson asks for $1 billion in aid to the country.

Birthday Takashi Iizuka (2-8) in history

  • Day 2-8 year 1790: The first U.S. census was completed, showing a population of 3,929,214 people.
  • Day 2-8 year 1876: Wild Bill Hickok was murdered in Deadwood, S.D.
  • Day 2-8 year 1909: The first Lincoln penny was issued.
  • Day 2-8 year 1923: Warren G. Harding, the 29th president of the United States, died in San Francisco.
  • Day 2-8 year 1943: PT-109, a torpedo boat commanded by Lt. John F. Kennedy, was sunk off the Solomon Islands by a Japanese destroyer.
  • Day 2-8 year 1945: The Potsdam Conference, in which Allied leaders planned the postwar governance of Germany, ended.
  • Day 2-8 year 1990: The Persian Gulf War broke out when Iraq invaded Kuwait.
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Famous people born in 2-8-1966

Note about Wrestling athletes Takashi Iizuka

Takashi Iizuka infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.