Youtuber Vu Thanh Cong

Image of Vu Thanh Cong #

Vu Thanh Cong

Living place: Texas

Birthday: 12-7-1999 (25 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1999: 76,6 millions

Global rank: #54510



Phone number: updating

Youtuber Vu Thanh Cong profile

Who is Youtuber Vu Thanh Cong?
Vu Thanh Cong (born in 1999), graduated with honors in Logistics (Supply Chain Management) at the University of North Texas (University of North Texas - USA), is currently studying for a Master's degree in Finance and is the Owner of a YouTube channel about finance has over 350, 000 followers.
Currently, Cong is working for an investment fund in the US, this job brings him quite a large source of income. The second is to create a YouTube channel, with more than 350, 000 subscribers, Cong's analytical videos on financial concepts, spending management, and the market always receive hundreds of thousands of views - this platform also brings a steady source of monthly income. Third, he is also participating in a startup project with a stock analysis website. Not only the income, this job also creates a lot of interest for Cong. Fourth, the guy spends part of the money to invest.
Finally, Cong has daily transactions in the securities sector. "My daily job, besides studying and working, I also have a small account to trade every day to gain experience in this market. Even though I don't have too much, it helps me stay alert in life. market and absorb knowledge more proactively, " Cong shared.
Cong went to the US in 12th grade, then received a scholarship to study Logistics at university. After graduating and working for half a year, he realized that finance was his true passion. Currently, Cong is returning to study for his master's degree in finance. Cong's biggest goal in 2023 is to get a CFA degree - one of the most difficult finance degrees in the world.
Regarding his personal YouTube channel, he started producing and posting videos in 2019. For the first year, he posted videos every week, not skipping any week when he had just over 100 subscribers. According to Cong, that time helped him practice diligence and not give up, while always improving himself so he can continue to bring values to society. "I can't force society to follow me, I have to integrate to develop. I think that's the biggest lesson when I do YouTube, " Cong said.
To date, Cong's YouTube channel has been well received and appreciated by many young people. This is a channel about finance that is easy to understand, easy to apply and most friendly to young people.

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Summary of Vu Thanh Cong profile

When was Youtuber Vu Thanh Cong born?
Vu Thanh Cong birthday 12-7-1999 (at the age of 25).
Where is Youtuber Vu Thanh Cong's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Vu Thanh Cong was born in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Texas, of United States. Mr, whose Zodiac is Cancer, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Cat. Vu Thanh Cong's global rank is 54510 and whose rank is 197 in list of famous Youtuber. Population of Vietnam in 1999 is about 76,6 millions persons.
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Chân dung Youtuber Vũ Thành Công
Chân dung Youtuber Vũ Thành Công
Thành Công sở hữu kênh YouTube về tài chính có hơn 350 nghìn người theo dõi
Thành Công sở hữu kênh YouTube về tài chính có hơn 350 nghìn người theo dõi
9X tốt nghiệp xuất sắc ngành ngành logistics và đang nỗ lực lấy bằng thạc sĩ tài chính tại Mỹ
9X tốt nghiệp xuất sắc ngành ngành logistics và đang nỗ lực lấy bằng thạc sĩ tài chính tại Mỹ
Thành Công đặt mục tiêu tự do tài chính năm 30 tuổi
Thành Công đặt mục tiêu tự do tài chính năm 30 tuổi

Vu Thanh Cong ranking


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Events in 1999 and 12-7

Events in the world in the birth year of Vu Thanh Cong

  • Russian president Boris Yeltsin survives impeachment hearings (May), reshuffles his cabinet twice (May, Aug.), and takes military action against Islamic separatists in Dagestan and Chechnya. Background: 1999 in Review.
  • Nelson Mandela, first black president of South Africa, steps down (June 16), and Thabo Mbeki takes over.
  • War erupts in Kosovo after Yugoslavia's president Slobodan Milosevic clamps down on the province, massacring and deporting ethnic Albanians. NATO begins Operation Allied Force on March 24, 1999, launching air strikes against Belgrade for 78 consecutive days until Milosevic relents. Background: Timeline: The Splintering of Kosovo and Timeline: NATO in Kosovo.
  • Magnitude 7.4 earthquake kills more than 15,600 and leaves 600,000 homeless in Turkey (Aug. 17).
  • East Timor population votes for independence from Indonesia (Aug. 30, 1999), which causes pro-Indonesian forces to massacre and uproot thousands of East Timorese.
  • Pakistani government is overthrown in the midst of economic strife and intensified fighting with India over Kashmir (Oct. 12). Background: 1999 in Review.
  • The world awaits the consequences of the Y2K bug, with more drastic millennial theorists warning of Armageddon.
  • See also: 1999 Year in Review: News of the World

Birthday Vu Thanh Cong (12-7) in history

  • Day 12-7 year 1543: King Henry VIII of England married his sixth and last wife, Catherine Parr.
  • Day 12-7 year 1690: In the Battle of Boyne in Ireland, Protestant William of Orange defeated James II of Roman Catholicism.
  • Day 12-7 year 1862: Congress authorized the Medal of Honor.
  • Day 12-7 year 1960: The first Etch-A-Sketch went on sale.
  • Day 12-7 year 1979: Kiribati, formerly the Gilbert Islands, gained its independence from the United Kingdom.
  • Day 12-7 year 1984: Democratic presidential nominee Walter Mondale became the first major-party candidate to choose a woman as a running mate when he announced his choice of Geraldine Ferraro.
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