Bassist Robert Trujillo

Robert Trujillo

Living place: Santa Monica

Birthday: 23-10-1964 (60 years old)

Population of US 1964: 191,888,791

Global rank: #16060

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Bassist Robert Trujillo profile

Who is Bassist Robert Trujillo?
The bassist for the rock band Metallica is also with the band Influenza and the Black Label Society. With him in Metallica are singer/guitarist James Hetfield, drummer Lars Ulrich and guitarist Kirk Hammett Lee.
He was featured in the movie Some Kind of Monster.

Young / Before famous

He was born in Santa Monica, California and he was raised in Culver City. He played several backyard bands in his teens and his first big band was the Suicide Tendencies.

Family life info

He has two children with his wife Chloe.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Bassist Robert Trujillo là ai?
He recorded bass tracks for the re-release of Ozz's Ozzy Osbourne Blizzard album.

Body measurements of

How tall is Bassist Robert Trujillo? What Robert Trujillo's weight?
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Measurements: updating

Summary of Robert Trujillo profile

When was Bassist Robert Trujillo born?
Robert Trujillo birthday 23-10-1964 (at the age of 60).
Where is Bassist Robert Trujillo's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Robert Trujillo was born in Santa Monica, California- United States. Là Bassist, whose Zodiac is Libra, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dragon. Robert Trujillo's global rank is 16060 and whose rank is 56 in list of famous Bassist. Population of US in 1964 is about 191,888,791 persons.
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Photos/ Images

Bassist Robert Trujillo Portrait

A New Photo Of Robert Trujillo- Famous Bassist Santa Monica- California

Latest Picture Of Bassist Robert Trujillo

A Portrait Picture Of Bassist Robert Trujillo

Robert Trujillo ranking


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Events in 1964 and 23-10

Events in US in the birth year of Robert Trujillo

  • US Supreme Court rules that Congressional districts should be roughly equal in population (Feb. 17).
  • Three civil rights workers—Schwerner, Goodman, and Cheney—murdered in Mississippi (June). Background: Civil Rights
  • President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy issues Warren Report concluding that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.
  • Jack Ruby convicted of murder in slaying of Lee Harvey Oswald.

Birthday Robert Trujillo (23-10) in history

  • Day 23-10 year 1915: 25,000 women marched in New York City, demanding the right to vote.
  • Day 23-10 year 1946: The United Nations General Assembly convened in New York for the first time.
  • Day 23-10 year 1973: President Richard Nixon agreed to turn White House tape recordings requested by the Watergate special prosecutor over to Judge John J. Sirica.
  • Day 23-10 year 1983: A suicide truck-bombing at Beirut International airport in Lebanon killed 241 U.S. Marines and sailors.
  • Day 23-10 year 2002: Chechen rebels seized a crowded Moscow theater, taking hundreds hostage. Russian forces stormed the building the next day.
  • Day 23-10 year 2003: Madame Chiang Kai-shek died at age 105.
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Note about Bassist Robert Trujillo

Robert Trujillo infomation and profile updated by