Politicians To Anh Dung

To Anh Dung

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: 11-11-1964 (60 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1964: 37,57 millions

Global rank: #38626

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Politicians To Anh Dung profile

Who is Politicians To Anh Dung?
To Anh Dung used to be a politician Vietnam. He used to be Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Vietnam to Canada. On April 14, 2022, he was arrested in connection with the "rescue" flight case and was forced to quit his job on September 27, 2022. Also at this time, he was expelled from the Party. On December 26, before the testimony, defendant To Anh Dung said he had become more deeply aware of his mistakes through the trials. He apologized to the Party, State and people. Mr. Dung also said that although he did not intend to, his behavior affected the reputation of the agency and his family. He hopes that the jury will consider the defendant's entire life of dedication to contributing to foreign affairs and have a lenient policy.
Regarding the "rescue" flight, Mr. Dung, in his position as deputy minister, assistant Responsible for the Consular Department, which is responsible for directing and approving plans to organize "rescue flights" to bring Vietnamese citizens home when Covid-19 occurs. He directly advised and proposed the Government leadership to approve and license the flight based on the consensus of the Working Group of 5 Ministries (Foreign Affairs, Health, Police, Transport, and National Defense). Mr. To Anh Dung was also accused from December 2020 to January 2022 of accepting bribes 37 times from 13 businesses during the process of conducting rescue flights during Covid-19, a total of 21.5 billion VND. copper. When the Supreme People's Procuracy issued an indictment prosecuting 54 defendants, Mr. Dung was given the maximum penalty of death.
Mr. To Anh Dung was born in Nam Dinh. In 1988, he graduated from the Faculty of International Relations and International Law at Kiev University, Soviet Ukraine. In 2007, he graduated with a Master's degree in international relations from Uppsala University, Sweden. Mr. Dung is fluent in Russian and English. He began his diplomatic career working at the Department of Southeast Asia - South Asia - South Pacific, Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1991-1993. After that, he was sent to work as an attache at the Vietnamese Embassy in the Philippines. From 1997-2000, he returned to Vietnam, holding many positions such as: Secretary to the Minister and Trainee Deputy Director at the Ministry Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
In 2001, Mr. Dung was appointed as Deputy Director, Deputy Chief of Office at the Ministry Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He held the position of Deputy Director of the Protocol Subcommittee of the ASEM 5 National Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the period 2004-2005. In 2013, President Truong Tan Sang appointed him as Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador. Vietnam in Canada. He returned to Vietnam to hold the position of Director of the Department of Personnel Organization, Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2016. In 2017, in addition to the position of Director, he was also Assistant Minister until February 2019. In 2019, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in Decision No. 268/QD-TTg of the former Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc.

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Summary of To Anh Dung profile

When was Politicians To Anh Dung born?
To Anh Dung birthday 11-11-1964 (at the age of 60).
Where is Politicians To Anh Dung's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
To Anh Dung was born in Nam Dinh, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Scorpius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dragon. To Anh Dung's global rank is 38626 and whose rank is 392 in list of famous Politicians. Population of Vietnam in 1964 is about 37,57 millions persons.
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Photos/ Images

Portrait photo of politician To Anh Dung
Portrait photo of politician To Anh Dung
Image of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Image of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Image of former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs To Anh Dung arrested for accepting bribes during the rescue flight case
Image of former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs To Anh Dung arrested for accepting bribes during the rescue flight case

To Anh Dung ranking


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Events in 1964 and 11-11

Events in the world in the birth year of To Anh Dung

  • Nelson Mandela sentenced to life imprisonment in South Africa (June 11).
  • Congress approves Gulf of Tonkin Resolution after North Vietnamese torpedo boats allegedly attack US destroyers (Aug. 7). Background: Vietnam War
  • Khrushchev is deposed; Kosygin becomes premier and Brezhnev becomes first secretary of the Communist Party (October). Background: Rulers of Russia since 1533
  • China detonates its first atomic bomb. Background: nuclear weapons

Birthday To Anh Dung (11-11) in history

  • Day 11-11 year 1620:
    The Pilgrims signed the Mayflower Contract on the Mayflower, a sailing ship that went down in American history when a group of Puritans did not accept the court's Anglican court, so they left England to settle in the New World. Gender. A total of 102 people plus 30 crew members. They came to America to start a new life.
    This contract would be the basis for all governments of the colonies of the United States.
  • Day 11-11 year 1831: Preacher Nat Turner was executed in Courtland, Virginia, USA
  • Day 11-11 year 1889: Washington became the 42nd state.
  • Day 11-11 year 1918: The Allies and Germany signed an armistice ending World War I.
  • Day 11-11 year 1921: The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was dedicated in Arlington National Cemetery.
  • Day 11-11 year 1965: Rhodesia proclaimed its independence from Britain.
  • Day 11-11 year 1992: The Church of England voted to ordain women as priests.
  • Day 11-11 year 2004: Yasir Arafat, chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, died in Paris. Mahmoud Abbas was elected to take his place.
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Note about Politicians To Anh Dung

To Anh Dung infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.