Choreographer Pham Anh Phuong

Pham Anh Phuong

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: ?-?-1951 (73 years old)

Global rank: #90377

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Choreographer Pham Anh Phuong profile

Who is Choreographer Pham Anh Phuong?
Pham Anh Phuong is a choreographer of many impressive dance works with high artistic value as well as high aesthetic value, such as: "Breath of love" "Once and for all", "Kai Son breaking" Thach", "Ben Lach", Ho Tuong (music Nguyen Thien Dao)… He is also known. came to the role of Director of the Vietnam National Opera and Ballet Theater. He was conferred the noble title of People's Artist by the State in 2007.
People's Artist Pham Anh Phuong is a choreographer who was trained in choreography in the Soviet Union. In addition, he was also sent to study contemporary dance in Australia. He has successfully produced a number of contemporary dance plays such as: Life, People and the Universe, Lullaby of the Forest (1994). In particular, the dance work "Lullaby of the forest" is a combination of folk dance and contemporary dance by the author, bringing a newness and freshness. This is also the work in the series of works that won the State Prize.
In addition, the artist also participated in building dance plays with People's Artist Le Cong Nhac, composed Y Dang dance, and built the ballet "Light Source" with Artist Le Phong…
People's Artist Pham Anh Phuong has achieved many achievements in his career such as many gold medals, silver medals and other awards of the Vietnam Dance Artists Association, certificate of merit from the Minister of Culture and Information for his achievements. excellent in the arts from 1996-1999, the Vietnam Dance Artists Association awarded the medal for the cause of Vietnam Dance Art 2000.

Young / Before famous

At the age of 11, People's Artist Pham Anh Phuong participated in activities in the Children's Club of the ward. In 1969, he was recruited into the Vietnamese dance school, then graduated with an honors degree and was retained to teach at the school.
From 1980 to 1986, he was sent by the State to study choreography in the Soviet Union. After graduating, he returned home to participate in composing, choreography and teaching at the Vietnamese dance school.
He was also the first artist to be sent by the (former) Ministry of Culture and Information to study contemporary dance in Australia.

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is Choreographer Pham Anh Phuong? What Pham Anh Phuong's weight?
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Summary of Pham Anh Phuong profile

When was Choreographer Pham Anh Phuong born?
Pham Anh Phuong birthday ?-?-1951 (at the age of 73).
Where is Choreographer Pham Anh Phuong's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Pham Anh Phuong was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Cat. Pham Anh Phuong's global rank is 90377 and whose rank is 57 in list of famous Choreographer.
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Photos/ Images

Photo of People's Artist Pham Anh Phuong
Photo of People's Artist Pham Anh Phuong
 Portrait of Choreographer Pham Anh Phuong
Portrait of Choreographer Pham Anh Phuong

Pham Anh Phuong ranking


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Events in 1951 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Pham Anh Phuong

  • Seoul falls first to Communist forces (Jan. 4), then to US-led UN troops (Mar. 14). Despite peace talks in July and October, the Korean War continues.
  • Six nations agree to Schuman Plan to pool European coal and steel (March 19; in effect Feb. 10, 1953).
  • Japanese peace treaty signed in San Francisco by 49 nations (Sept. 8).
  • Libya gains independence from Italy (Dec. 24).
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Note about Choreographer Pham Anh Phuong

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