COL Xuan Cuong

Image of Xuan Cuong #

Xuan Cuong

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: 28-2-1992 (32 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1992: 68,45 millions

Global rank: #4162



Phone number: 0793 428 866

COL Xuan Cuong profile

Who is COL Xuan Cuong?
Xuan Cuong's full name is Nguyen Xuan Cuong, nickname Lucas, is a male model, handsome KOL and very multi-talented. He is currently living and working in Ho Chi Minh City.
Xuan Cuong was born and raised in Hanoi capital. From an early age, he showed a talent for acting and he always dreamed of pursuing a professional artistic path in the future.
When growing up, the capital boy owned a handsome face, a student with a standard body model with an impressive height. Therefore, right from the time he was sitting on the university lecture hall, he had a predestined relationship with a photo model and became the "gut" model of many famous fashion brands for teenagers. In 2016, he boldly entered the Fashioninsta Vietnam 2016 contest and excelled in the Top 10 overall. This is an important milestone in his "work" journey. It was also from this contest that Cuong became more confident and firmly on the artistic path.
Besides being a photo model, Cuong also fell in love with the KOL profession as a coincidence. Through promotional videos and impressive photo sets, he has been noticed and supported by genZ friends. Since then, he turned to be a KOL to convey to people the most authentic experience of the product. He added: "The point that makes Cuong's difference is his new style, which does not follow any framework. It is the result of his own process of learning, exploring and experiencing."
In order to develop myself further, model Xuan Cuong decided to go south to have more opportunities for himself. Going to the promised land, the boy in the capital is constantly trying, trying to adapt to the environment and find opportunities for himself. It is the spirit of hard work, seriousness and professionalism that the 9X model guy has increasingly proved his ability. He has become a talented model, received many jobs and is loved by friends and colleagues.
Share more about future plans, he hopes that the work will always be. progressed smoothly and he always maintained the spirit of serious and effective work. He also hopes to receive a lot of love from the audience for him!

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is COL Xuan Cuong? What Xuan Cuong's weight?
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Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Xuan Cuong profile

When was COL Xuan Cuong born?
Xuan Cuong birthday 28-2-1992 (at the age of 32).
Where is COL Xuan Cuong's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Xuan Cuong was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Pisces, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Monkey. Xuan Cuong's global rank is 4162 and whose rank is 71 in list of famous COL. Population of Vietnam in 1992 is about 68,45 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Handsome image of KOL Xuan Cuong
Handsome image of KOL Xuan Cuong
Xuan Cuong handsome and dynamic
Xuan Cuong handsome and dynamic
Young and dynamic image of Xuan Cuong
Young and dynamic image of Xuan Cuong
Xuan Cuong - a talented KOL
Xuan Cuong - a talented KOL

Xuan Cuong ranking


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Events in 1992 and 28-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Xuan Cuong

  • Yugoslav Federation broken up (Jan. 15). US recognizes three former Yugoslav republics (April 7). UN expels Serbian-dominated Yugoslavia (Sept. 22).
  • Bush and Yeltsin proclaim a formal end to the Cold War (Feb. 1).
  • US lifts trade sanctions against China (Feb. 21).
  • General Manuel Noriega, former leader of Panama, convicted in US court (April 9) and sentenced to 40 years on drug charges (July 10).
  • Russian Parliament approves START treaty (Nov. 4).
  • US forces leave Philippines, ending nearly a century of American military presence (Nov. 24).
  • Czechoslovak Parliament approves separation into two nations (Nov. 25). Background: Czech Republic and Slovakia
  • UN approves US-led force to guard food for Somalia (Dec. 3).
  • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) signed (Dec. 17).

Birthday Xuan Cuong (28-2) in history

  • Day 28-2 year 1784: Pastor John Wesley issues the "Declaration of Declaration," officially establishing the Methodist Church.
  • Day 28-2 year 1849: The steamship California landed in San Francisco, bringing the first East Coasters to the Gold Rush.
  • Day 28-2 year 1916: Henry James, American novelist and critic, died.
  • Day 28-2 year 1948: The last British troops left India.
  • Day 28-2 year 1953: James Watson and Francis Crick described their theory that two DNA strands were coiled in a double helix.
  • Day 28-2 year 1983: The final episode of M*A*S*H aired. It was the most watched television program in history.
  • Day 28-2 year 1986: Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme was shot to death in central Stockholm.
  • Day 28-2 year 1993: Four federal agents were killed in Waco, Texas, after they tried to serve an arrest warrant for weapons charges on Branch Davidian sect leader David Koresh, starting a 51-day standoff.
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Note about COL Xuan Cuong

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