Composer Nguyen Thanh Loc

Image of Nguyen Thanh Loc #

Nguyen Thanh Loc

Living place: Quang Nam

Birthday: 16-4-1984 (40 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1984: 57,69 millions

Global rank: #87030



Phone number: 0934 787 646

Composer Nguyen Thanh Loc profile

Who is Composer Nguyen Thanh Loc?
Nguyen Thanh Loc is a talented and dedicated musician in the Vietnamese music industry. His music has a gentle melody like caressing winds that stir the soul. Musician Nguyen Thanh Loc is the author of many songs such as: Tam Ky where I come from, My child's smile, My class teacher (poetry adaptation Nguyen Xuan Sanh), Don't bargain with the Fatherland... In addition, he is also an author who arranges "local songs" in a gentle, youthful style. Central, easier to receive. The songs he composed were performed by many singers Quang Nam on stages inside and outside the province.
Before becoming famous with the song "Tam Ky where you come from", musician Nguyen Thanh Loc had many of his own compositions. Each song is where he puts his feelings, thoughts and experiences.
In 2019, musician Nguyen Thanh Loc composed the song "Don't bargain with the Fatherland" attracting many young artists from Tam Ky City to contribute their voices to call on all people to prevent the Covid-19 epidemic. 19. The song becomes a meaningful message, turning the lyrics into spiritual power, propaganda and encouragement to Vietnam wins the pandemic. The song "Don't bargain with the Fatherland" by musician Nguyen Thanh Loc received great response and appreciation from the public.
After more than a year of studying harmony In Saigon, musician Nguyen Thanh Loc invested in opening a recording studio right at home. At first, he just wanted to satisfy his passion for music, but gradually, the deeper he dug, the more he wanted to go a long way. More and more Quang singers are coming to him to give local music new nuances. He is loved not only for his talent but also for his gentle, pleasant personality and passion for music.

Young / Before famous

From a young age, Thanh Loc became familiar with the stage lights and the rhythms of childhood in the shows of Nui Thanh land. But when he graduated from high school, he decided to study Fine Arts Education at Hue University of Arts. After that, he became a drawing teacher. Mr. Loc's class is always full of laughter. But his passion for music made Thanh Loc put away his easel and crayons to make music.

Family life info

Musician Nguyen Thanh Loc is married and has a lovely 5-year-old daughter. His wife is Nguyen Thi Ngoc Minh (from Thua Thien - Hue) and has a master's degree in English. Currently, his family lives and works in Tam Ky city, Quang Nam.

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling Composer Nguyen Thanh Loc?

Body measurements of

How tall is Composer Nguyen Thanh Loc? What Nguyen Thanh Loc's weight?
Height: 163cm
Weight: 55kg

Summary of Nguyen Thanh Loc profile

When was Composer Nguyen Thanh Loc born?
Nguyen Thanh Loc birthday 16-4-1984 (at the age of 40).
Where is Composer Nguyen Thanh Loc's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Nguyen Thanh Loc was born in Quang Nam, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Aries, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rat. Nguyen Thanh Loc's global rank is 87030 and whose rank is 1021 in list of famous Composer. Population of Vietnam in 1984 is about 57,69 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Musician Nguyen Thanh Loc is passionate about music
Musician Nguyen Thanh Loc is passionate about music
Musician Nguyen Thanh Loc is talented and dedicated
Musician Nguyen Thanh Loc is talented and dedicated
Musician Nguyen Thanh Loc opens a studio at home
Musician Nguyen Thanh Loc opens a studio at home
Musician Nguyen Thanh Loc is the owner of the recording studio - TLStudio
Musician Nguyen Thanh Loc is the owner of the recording studio - TLStudio
Musician Nguyen Thanh Loc performs on stage
Musician Nguyen Thanh Loc performs on stage

Nguyen Thanh Loc ranking


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Events in 1984 and 16-4

Events in the world in the birth year of Nguyen Thanh Loc

  • Syria frees captured US Navy pilot, Lieut. Robert C. Goodman, Jr. (Jan. 3).
  • US and Vatican exchange diplomats after 116-year hiatus (Jan. 10).
  • Reagan orders US Marines withdrawn from Beirut international peacekeeping force (Feb. 7).
  • Yuri V. Andropov dies at 69; Konstantin U. Chernenko, 72, named Soviet leader (Feb. 9). Background: Rulers of Russia since 1533
  • Italy and Vatican agree to end Roman Catholicism as state religion (Feb. 18).
  • Soviet Union withdraws from summer Olympic games in US, and other bloc nations follow (May 7 et seq.).
  • José Napoleón Duarte, moderate, elected president of El Salvador (May 11).
  • Three hundred slain as Indian Army occupies Sikh Golden Temple in Amritsar (June 6).
  • Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi assassinated by two Sikh bodyguards; 1,000 killed in anti-Sikh riots; son Rajiv succeeds her (Oct. 31).
  • Toxic gas leaks from Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India, killing 2,000 and injuring 150,000 (Dec. 3).

Birthday Nguyen Thanh Loc (16-4) in history

  • Day 16-4 year 1746: The revolt that restored the senior line of the House of Stuart to the English Jacobite throne ended when the Duke of Cumberland defeated Charles "Bonnie Prince Charlie" Stuart.
  • Day 16-4 year 1912: Harriet Quimby became the first woman to fly across the English Channel.
  • Day 16-4 year 1917: Lenin returned to Russia after 10 years in exile in Switzerland.
  • Day 16-4 year 1947: Financier Bernard Baruch coined the term “cold war” in a speech in South Carolina.
  • Day 16-4 year 1972: China sent President Nixon two giant pandas as a gift.
  • Day 16-4 year 1999: Hockey great Wayne Gretzky announced his retirement.
  • Day 16-4 year 2007: A male student, Cho Seung-Hui, killed two in a Virginia Tech dorm, then killed 30 more 2 hours later in a classroom building. His suicide brought the death toll to 33, making the shooting rampage the most deadly in U.S. history. Fifteen others were wounded.
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