Criminal John Couey


John Couey

Living place: Florida

Birthday: 19-9-1958 (66 years old)

Population of US 1958: 174,881,904

Global rank: #99177

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Criminal John Couey profile

Who is Criminal John Couey?
Florida man was sentenced to death for the murder of nine-year-old Jessica Lunsford in February 2005. His case and the media attention surrounding it inspired the creation of Jessica Law. and the Jessica Lunsford Act.
He died of cancer while awaiting his death penalty in September 2009.

Young / Before famous

He was arrested more than 20 times on charges ranging from theft to indecent exposure.

Family life info

His sister was Dorothy Marie Dixon, his housemate at the time of his crime.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Criminal John Couey là ai?
He and Tiffany Cole were both given death sentences for murder in Florida.

Body measurements of

How tall is Criminal John Couey? What John Couey's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of John Couey profile

When was Criminal John Couey born?
John Couey birthday 19-9-1958 (at the age of 66).
Where is Criminal John Couey's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
John Couey was born in Florida, . Là Criminal, whose Zodiac is Virgo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dog. John Couey's global rank is 99177 and whose rank is 380 in list of famous Criminal. Population of US in 1958 is about 174,881,904 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1958 and 19-9

Events in US in the birth year of John Couey

  • The US Supreme Court rules unanimously that Little Rock, Ark., schools must integrate (Sept. 29). Background: Civil Rights
  • Army's Jupiter-C rocket fires first US satellite, Explorer I, into orbit (Jan. 31).

Birthday John Couey (19-9) in history

  • Day 19-9 year 1881: President James Garfield died of a gunshot wound inflicted by a disappointed office seeker the previous July 2.
  • Day 19-9 year 1934: Bruno Hauptmann was arrested for the Lindbergh baby kidnap-murder.
  • Day 19-9 year 1955: President Juan Peron of Argentina was deposed and exiled after a military coup.
  • Day 19-9 year 1957: The United States conducted its first underground nuclear test in the Nevada desert.
  • Day 19-9 year 1962: Gov. Ross Barnett blocked James Meredith from enrolling in the University of Mississippi.
  • Day 19-9 year 1985: The Mexico City area was struck by the first of two devastating earthquakes that claimed thousands of lives. The second earthquake hit 36 hours later.
  • Day 19-9 year 1994: U.S. troops entered Haiti to enforce the return of exiled president Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
  • Day 19-9 year 2001: The Pentagon ordered combat aircraft to the Persian Gulf following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
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Note about Criminal John Couey

John Couey infomation and profile updated by