Economist Muhammad Yunus

Muhammad Yunus

Living place: Bangladesh

Birthday: 28-6-1940 (84 years old)

Global rank: #87125

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Economist Muhammad Yunus profile

Who is Economist Muhammad Yunus?
Muhammad Yunus is a famous economist from Bangladesh. He is the creator of the concept of Microcredit (is one of the small credits for poor workers to borrow for career guidance). He is also the founder of Grameen Bank (Rural Bank). This is a bank that does not operate on the principle of maximum profit but is oriented to make a profit.
It was Muhammad Yunus and his bank that received the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize.
To Today Muhammad Yunus has received about 60 awards and honors all over the world for his activities.
Microcredit model has been applied in many countries around the world to help people. farmers out of poverty and reduce poverty rate

Young / Before famous

Muhammad Yunus has many qualities to be a famous economist. He always tried to improve his knowledge, and in 1966 he received a scholarship and studied in the US. After 3 years, he completed his doctoral degree and taught in the field of economics at Middle Tennessee State University, USA.
In 1972, he was appointed professor in the field of economics at Chittagong University Bangladesh. Here he worked as a manager for a development project and from there, Grameen Bank was born.

Family life info

The family of Muhammad Yunus has 9 children and he is the third. His parents were in the jewelry business.

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is Economist Muhammad Yunus? What Muhammad Yunus's weight?
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Summary of Muhammad Yunus profile

When was Economist Muhammad Yunus born?
Muhammad Yunus birthday 28-6-1940 (at the age of 84).
Where is Economist Muhammad Yunus's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Muhammad Yunus was born in . Mr, whose Zodiac is Cancer, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dragon. Muhammad Yunus's global rank is 87125 and whose rank is 37 in list of famous Economist.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of economist Muhammad Yunus
Portrait of economist Muhammad Yunus
 Muhammad Yunus receiving the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize
Muhammad Yunus receiving the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize
 Muhammad Yunus and women borrowing money in Bangladesh
Muhammad Yunus and women borrowing money in Bangladesh

Muhammad Yunus ranking


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Events in 1940 and 28-6

Events in the world in the birth year of Muhammad Yunus

  • Winston Churchill becomes Britain's Prime Minister.
  • Trotsky is assassinated in Mexico.
  • Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania annexed by U.S.S.R.
  • Hitler invades Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, and Luxembourg.
  • Lascaux caves with Cro-Magnon art discovered by French schoolboy.

Birthday Muhammad Yunus (28-6) in history

  • Day 28-6 year 1836: The fourth President of the United States, James Madison, passed away in Montpelier, Virginia.
  • Day 28-6 year 1894: Labor Day became a federal holiday by an act of Congress.
  • Day 28-6 year 1914: Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and his wife were assassinated, setting off World War I.
  • Day 28-6 year 1919: The Treaty of Versailles was signed in France, ending World War I.
  • Day 28-6 year 1978: The Supreme Court ruled in Regents of the University of California v. Bakke that the use of quotas in affirmative action programs was not permissible.
  • Day 28-6 year 1996: The Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina, voted to admit women.
  • Day 28-6 year 1997: Boxer Mike Tyson bit Evander Holyfield's ear during their heavyweight title fight, earning a 16-month suspension.
  • Day 28-6 year 2000: Elian Gonzalez was returned to his father in Cuba.
  • Day 28-6 year 2001: Serbia handed over Slobodan Milosevic over to the UN war crimes tribunal.
  • Day 28-6 year 2004: In Iraq, the United States transferred power back to the Iraqis two days earlier than planned.
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Note about Economist Muhammad Yunus

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