Family member Barbara Hutton

Barbara Hutton

Living place: New York City

Birthday: 14-11-1912

Population of US 1912: 95,335,000

Global rank: #66843

Email: updating

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Family member Barbara Hutton profile

Who is Family member Barbara Hutton?
Debutante who was dubbed the Poor Little Rich Girl for her lavish life during the Great Depression. She is the Woolworth heiress and has been married seven times.
She donated the Winfield House, located in England, the United States must be used for their ambassadors.

Young / Before famous

She attended the Hewitt School in the Lenox Hill neighborhood of New York and the Miss Porter School for Girls in Farmington, Connecticut.

Family life info

Her third marriage was to actor Cary Grant. Her son is Formula 1 driver Lance Reventlow.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Family member Barbara Hutton là ai?
Her lavish 18th birthday party was attended by a number of high profile celebrities including musician Rudy Valee.

Body measurements of

How tall is Family member Barbara Hutton? What Barbara Hutton's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Barbara Hutton profile

When was Family member Barbara Hutton born?
Barbara Hutton was born in 14-11-1912, death year is , at the age of 112.
Where is Family member Barbara Hutton's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Barbara Hutton was born in New York City, New York- United States. Là Family member, whose Zodiac is Scorpius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rat. Barbara Hutton's global rank is 66843 and whose rank is 910 in list of famous Family member. Population of US in 1912 is about 95,335,000 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1912 and 14-11

Events in US in the birth year of Barbara Hutton

  • New Mexico and Arizona are admitted as states No. 47 and 48.
  • Woodrow Wilson is elected president.
  • William Randolph Hearst begins to acquire his media empire that will include 18 newspapers and nine magazines within two decades.
  • Girl Scouts of America founded by Juliette Gordon Low.

Birthday Barbara Hutton (14-11) in history

  • Day 14-11 year 1851: Herman Melville's novel Moby Dick has been published.
  • Day 14-11 year 1889: Nellie Bly set out to beat Jules Verne's fictional Phileas Fogg's time of 80 days to travel around the world. She did it in 72.
  • Day 14-11 year 1922: The British Broadcasting Corporation began its domestic radio service.
  • Day 14-11 year 1969: Apollo 12, the second manned lunar expedition, was launched.
  • Day 14-11 year 1995: The U.S. federal government began a partial shut down of government services after the U.S. Congress could not pass a budget.
  • Day 14-11 year 2002: Nancy Pelosi of California became the first woman to lead a party in Congress.
  • Day 14-11 year 2003: The most distant object ever found in our solar system, named Sedna, was discovered by astronomers at the Mount Palomar Observatory.
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Note about Family member Barbara Hutton

Barbara Hutton infomation and profile updated by