Football player Isaiah Frey

Isaiah Frey

Living place: California

Birthday: 6-4-1990 (34 years old)

Population of US 1990: 249,438,712

Global rank: #72371

Email: updating

Phone number: updating

Football player Isaiah Frey profile

Who is Football player Isaiah Frey?
NFL cornerback who played a role in his first two seasons with the Chicago Bears. He was drafted with 184 selection of the 2012 draft.
He was on the All-WAC squad his senior year as a member of the Nevada Wolf Pack with 5 interceptions and 21 breakups. overcome.

Young / Before famous

He was a shutdown defender for Carmichael Jesuit High School, earning a scholarship offer to the University of Nevada.

Family life info

His father Demetryst Cornish was also a huge fan of the Chicago Bears.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Football player Isaiah Frey?
He blocked a David Carr pass to secure a win for the bears in week three of the 2013 preseason.

Body measurements of

How tall is Football player Isaiah Frey? What Isaiah Frey's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Isaiah Frey profile

When was Football player Isaiah Frey born?
Isaiah Frey birthday 6-4-1990 (at the age of 34).
Where is Football player Isaiah Frey's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Isaiah Frey was born in California, . is a Football player, whose Zodiac is Aries, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Horse. Isaiah Frey's global rank is 72371 and whose rank is 4046 in list of famous Football player. Population of US in 1990 is about 249,438,712 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1990 and 6-4

Events in US in the birth year of Isaiah Frey

  • US Supreme Court upsets law banning flag burning (June 11).
  • US Appeals Court overturns Oliver North's Iran-Contra conviction (July 20).
  • Republicans set back in midterm elections (Nov. 8).

Birthday Isaiah Frey (6-4) in history

  • Day 6-4 year 1830: Religious leader Joseph Smith and five others organized The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Fayette, New York.
  • Day 6-4 year 1862: The Battle of Shiloh in the American Civil War began.
  • Day 6-4 year 1896: First modern Olympic Games opened in Athens, Greece.
  • Day 6-4 year 1909: Robert Peary and Matthew Henson became the first to reach the North Pole.
  • Day 6-4 year 1917: U.S. declared war on Germany and entered World War I.
  • Day 6-4 year 1994: The presidents of Rwanda and Burundi were killed in a plane crash.
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Note about Football player Isaiah Frey

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