Hotface Huyen Trang

Image of Huyen Trang #

Huyen Trang

Living place: Nghe An

Birthday: 12-8-2006 (18 years old)

Population of Vietnam 2006: 83,31 millions

Global rank: #87823


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Hotface Huyen Trang profile

Who is Hotface Huyen Trang?
Huyen Trang's full name is Nguyen Thi Huyen Trang (born in 2006, hometown). Nghe An), currently a student at Hoang Mai High School. Possessing a lovely but equally charming appearance, plus always trying to build and develop her own image, the female student was soon interested and noticed by the online community, especially young people.
From an ordinary girl to a girl who received more than 13,000 followers on her personal page, it helped Huyen Trang have the motivation to strive for the future, and at the same time marked the first successful step in her life. his artistic path. Of course, besides that, there are also many negative comments, detractors, prejudices about her life and work.
Currently, Huyen Trang is still trying to be known more and more people, from there, she is engaged in the field of KOL to learn and cultivate more new knowledge.
Shared about the secret to keeping her figure and beauty, she humorously said that it was largely due to her parents' "gift". At the same time, she does not use many expensive cosmetics, but instead maintains a suitable diet, uses pure natural products as well as learns beauty experience from her seniors. . “The smile also makes your face more beautiful and lovely” – the fresh female student replied.
When not having to focus on work, Huyen Trang returns as a 2k6 girl. simply, enjoy hanging out, eating, relaxing with friends and doing meaningful things in life. In particular, she loves to set foot in many places in the country, to see with her own eyes the proud landscapes. It is also one of the motivations that helps her strive to be successful, financially independent and realize her dreams.
About future plans. , Huyen Trang plans to enter the University of Pedagogy to fulfill her dream of becoming a teacher, standing on the podium and passing on knowledge to the next generation. For her, learning not only brings a lot of knowledge but also a solid foundation for the future, so it can't be ignored or ignored. Of course, she has always accompanied her studies with her passion for art.

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is Hotface Huyen Trang? What Huyen Trang's weight?
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Summary of Huyen Trang profile

When was Hotface Huyen Trang born?
Huyen Trang birthday 12-8-2006 (at the age of 18).
Where is Hotface Huyen Trang's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Huyen Trang was born in Nghe An, of Vietnam. Ms, whose Zodiac is Leo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dog. Huyen Trang's global rank is 87823 and whose rank is 411 in list of famous Hotface. Population of Vietnam in 2006 is about 83,31 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of hotface Huyen Trang
Portrait of hotface Huyen Trang
Huyen Trang owns a beautiful face with a high nose bridge and big round eyes
Huyen Trang owns a beautiful face with a high nose bridge and big round eyes
When she doesn't have to focus on work Huyen Trang returns to being a simple 2k6 girl
When she doesn't have to focus on work Huyen Trang returns to being a simple 2k6 girl
Huyen Trang intends to Take the entrance exam to the University of Pedagogy to fulfill the dream of becoming a teacher
Huyen Trang intends to Take the entrance exam to the University of Pedagogy to fulfill the dream of becoming a teacher

Huyen Trang ranking


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Events in 2006 and 12-8

Events in the world in the birth year of Huyen Trang

  • Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon suffers a massive stroke; he is replaced by acting prime minister Ehud Olmert (Jan. 5).
  • Militant group Hamas wins 74 of 132 seats in Palestinian legislative elections (Jan. 25). Israeli leaders vote to withhold $50 million per month (Feb. 19).
  • A Danish newspaper challenges taboos against illustrations of Muhammad by printing several negative cartoons depicting him. Angry demonstrators throughout the Muslim world smash windows, set fires, and burn flags of Denmark and other nations whose newspapers reprint the cartoons (Feb. 4 onward).
  • In Iraq, a coalition of Shiites and Kurds dominates the new government. Secretarian violence wracks the country, killing tens of thousands, with fatality rates rising throughout the year; some observers describe the situation as a civil war between Sunnis and Shiites. Several internal reports characterize the U.S. military efforts as failing. See Iraq Timeline 2006.
  • After weeks of crippling student-led protests, French president Jacques Chirac repeals a new labor law that would have made it easier for employers to fire workers under the age of 26 (Apr. 10).
  • In defiance of the U.N. Security Council, Iran president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announces that Iran has successfully enriched uranium (Apr. 11). The International Atomic Energy Agency reports to the Security Council that it has found traces of highly enriched uranium at Iran's Natanz facility (July 31). U.N. Security Council resolution bans the Iranian import and export of materials and technology used to enrich uranium (Dec. 23).
  • North Korea test fires missiles over the Sea of Japan (July 4) and explodes a nuclear device in the North Korean mountains (Oct. 9). The U.N. Security Council votes in favor of a resolution banning the sale of materials to North Korea that could be used to produce weapons (Oct. 14). North Korea agrees to resume disarmament talks with China, Russia, the U.S., and South Korea (Oct. 31).
  • India test-launches a missile with a range of 1,800 miles (July 9). More than 200 people die and hundreds more are wounded when a series of bombs explode on commuter trains in Mumbai, India during the evening rush hour (July 11).
  • Hezbollah, a Lebanese militant group, fires rockets into Israel. In response, Israel launches a major military attack, sending thousands of troops into Lebanon. (July 13–Aug. 15).
  • Saddam Hussein is convicted of crimes against humanity by an Iraqi court (Nov. 5), and hanged in Baghdad. A witness videotapes the hanging using a cell phone and captures the chaos that unfolds as Shiite guards taunt Hussein (Dec. 30).

Birthday Huyen Trang (12-8) in history

  • Day 12-8 year 1624: Cardinal Richelieu was named head of state of France by King Louis XIII.
  • Day 12-8 year 1851: Issac Singer patented the sewing machine.
  • Day 12-8 year 1865: British surgeon Joseph Lister became the first doctor to use an antiseptic during surgery.
  • Day 12-8 year 1898: Hawaii was formally annexed to the United States.
  • Day 12-8 year 1972: The last American combat troops left Vietnam.
  • Day 12-8 year 1985: In the world's worst single-aircraft disaster, a Japan Air Lines 747 crashed into Mount Osutaka, killing 520 of the 524 aboard.
  • Day 12-8 year 1998: Swiss banks agreed to pay $1.25 billion to settle lawsuits brought by Holocaust survivors and their heirs. The banks had kept millions of dollars deposited by Holocaust victims before and during World War II.
  • Day 12-8 year 2000: The Russian military submarine, Kursk, and its crew were lost in the Barents Sea.
  • Day 12-8 year 2004: N.J. governor James McGreevey announced his resignation.
  • Day 12-8 year 2013: Notorious Boston gangster James (Whitey) Bulger was found guilty of 31 of the 32 charges he faced, including murder, extortion, money laundering, drug dealing and possession of weapons.
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