Manager Juan Pablo Di Pace

Juan Pablo Di Pace

Living place: Argentina

Birthday: 25-7-1979 (45 years old)

Population of the world 1979: 4.378 billions

Global rank: #28863

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Manager Juan Pablo Di Pace profile

Who is Manager Juan Pablo Di Pace?
Argentine actor and director known for his appearances on The Catherine Tate Show, as well as in music videos.
He starred in the international hit music video Call of Eric Prydz on Me.

Young / Before famous

He received a scholarship to the United World College of the Adriatic before beginning his career.

Family life info

He was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Manager Juan Pablo Di Pace là ai?
Notable was his first motion picture role opposite Billy Zane in the 2005 film Survival Island.

Body measurements of

How tall is Manager Juan Pablo Di Pace? What Juan Pablo Di Pace's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Juan Pablo Di Pace profile

When was Manager Juan Pablo Di Pace born?
Juan Pablo Di Pace birthday 25-7-1979 (at the age of 45).
Where is Manager Juan Pablo Di Pace's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Juan Pablo Di Pace was born in . Là Manager, whose Zodiac is Leo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Goat. Juan Pablo Di Pace's global rank is 28863 and whose rank is 99 in list of famous Manager. Population of the world in 1979 is about 4.378 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1979 and 25-7

Events in the world in the birth year of Juan Pablo Di Pace

  • Vietnam and Vietnam-backed Cambodian insurgents announce fall of Cambodian capital Phnom Penh and collapse of Pol Pot regime (Jan. 7).
  • Shah leaves Iran after year of turmoil (Jan. 16); revolutionary forces under Muslim leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, take over (Feb. 1 et seq.).
  • Conservatives win British election; Margaret Thatcher becomes new prime minister (May 3).
  • Carter and Brezhnev sign SALT II agreement (June 14).
  • Nicaraguan President General Anastasio Somoza Debayle resigns and flees to Miami (July 17); Sandinistas form government (July 19).
  • Iranian militants seize US embassy in Teheran and hold hostages (Nov. 4).
  • Soviet invasion of Afghanistan stirs world protests (Dec. 27).

Birthday Juan Pablo Di Pace (25-7) in history

  • Day 25-7 year 1946: The United States tested the first underwater atomic bomb at Bikini Atoll.
  • Day 25-7 year 1952: Puerto Rico became a commonwealth of the United States.
  • Day 25-7 year 1956: The Italian liner Andrea Doria sank after colliding with the Swedish ship Stockholm off the New England coast, killing 51 people.
  • Day 25-7 year 1978: The world's first test-tube baby, Louise Joy Brown, was born in Lancashire, England.
  • Day 25-7 year 1984: Soviet cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya became the first woman to walk in space.
  • Day 25-7 year 2000: The supersonic airliner Concorde crashed after takeoff outside Paris.
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Famous people born in 25-7-1979

Note about Manager Juan Pablo Di Pace

Juan Pablo Di Pace infomation and profile updated by