Masters Phuc Thanh

Phuc Thanh

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: 22-5-1993 (31 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1993: 69,64 millions

Global rank: #3797


Email: updating

Phone number: 0982 314 688

Masters Phuc Thanh profile

Who is Masters Phuc Thanh?
Physician - Qigong Master Phuc Thanh belongs to the Southern Medical Association Vietnam is the Director of the Great Compassion Healing Meditation Center. Master Phuc Thanh has 7 years of experience in practicing qigong and meditation, 3 years of teaching and teaching thousands of students. Master Phuc Thanh has helped thousands of people heal their illnesses, restore their health, and live happier and more joyful lives.
The teacher's mission is to help sick people and people with difficulties in life know how to practice and train to have a "healthy body - peaceful mind - bright mind", capable of saving themselves. , save people. He compiled 3 Online courses to help people living far away learn Qigong Meditation to cure diseases and improve health.
  • Bat Doan Cam course treats spina bifida and weak kidneys , erectile dysfunction, shoulder and neck pain, supports disc herniation and spinal diseases.
  • Dich Can Kinh treats stomach, colon, liver, kidney, nocturia, inflammation Sinus, sore throat...
  • The Healing Meditation Course includes meditations to help calm the mind and treat illnesses, including sitting meditation and walking meditation.
In addition, he shares many free exercises on Youtube and vows to spread the discipline of Zen - Qigong for everyone to practice. Currently, his Youtube channel has more than 310,000 subscribers and more than 66 million views.
Master Phuc Thanh's 7-year journey to regain his health has inspired and motivated many patients. During his student days, he used to suffer from many illnesses such as: weak liver, weak kidneys, inflammation, stomach... His health declined so he always felt tired and often sick. From a person 1m85 tall and weighing 70kg, he lost weight quickly, became thin and emaciated, only weighing 55kg. At the age when his friends were studying and having fun, he began his medical journey everywhere. He went to all Eastern and Western Medicine hospitals in Hanoi but his health still did not improve. Then, fate helped Master Phuc Thanh come up with the method of practicing Qigong and Meditation to cure diseases without using drugs. After 7 years of practice, Master Phuc Thanh completely recovered his health on March 19, 2018, his weight increased to 80kg, his body and mind were at peace and extremely happy.

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling Masters Phuc Thanh?

Body measurements of

How tall is Masters Phuc Thanh? What Phuc Thanh's weight?
Height: 1m85
Weight: 80kg
3 measurements: updating

Summary of Phuc Thanh profile

When was Masters Phuc Thanh born?
Phuc Thanh birthday 22-5-1993 (at the age of 31).
Where is Masters Phuc Thanh's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Phuc Thanh was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Gemini, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rooster. Phuc Thanh's global rank is 3797 and whose rank is 1 in list of famous Masters. Population of Vietnam in 1993 is about 69,64 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Master Phuc Thanh founded the Dai Compassion Healing Meditation Center
Master Phuc Thanh founded the Dai Compassion Healing Meditation Center
Master Phuc Thanh helped many people heal their illnesses
Master Phuc Thanh helped many people heal their illnesses
Master Phuc Thanh guided Qigong practice
Master Phuc Thanh guided Qigong practice

Phuc Thanh ranking


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Events in 1993 and 22-5

Events in the world in the birth year of Phuc Thanh

  • Vaclav Havel elected Czech President (Jan. 26).
  • British House of Commons approves European unity pact (May 20). Maastricht Treaty takes effect, creating European Union (Nov. 1).
  • Twenty-two UN troops killed in Somalia (June 5).
  • Israeli-Palestinian accord reached (Aug. 28).
  • Yeltsin's forces crush revolt in Russian Parliament (Oct. 4 et seq.).
  • China breaks nuclear test moratorium (Oct. 5).
  • South Africa adopts majority rule constitution (Nov. 18).

Birthday Phuc Thanh (22-5) in history

  • Day 22-5 year 1455: The opening day of the 30-year War of the Roses in St. Albans.
  • Day 22-5 year 1761: The first life insurance policy in the United States was signed and issued in Philadelphia.
  • Day 22-5 year 1849: Abraham Lincoln received patent number 6469 for his floating dry dock.
  • Day 22-5 year 1927: An earthquake near Xining, China, measuring 8.3 claimed approximately 200,000 victims.
  • Day 22-5 year 1947: Harry S. Truman's Doctrine brought aid to Greece and Turkey to combat the spread of Communism.
  • Day 22-5 year 1972: Ceylon became Sri Lanka.
  • Day 22-5 year 1990: North Yemen and South Yemen merged to form the Republic of Yemen.
  • Day 22-5 year 1992: Johnny Carson hosted the last episode of his Tonight Show.
  • Day 22-5 year 2003: The UN Security Council approved a resolution lifting the economic sanctions against Iraq and supporting the U.S.-led administration in Iraq.
  • Day 22-5 year 2011: At least 140 people are killed and hundreds more injured as a three-quarter-mile-wide tornado hits Joplin, Missouri. The tornado is among the deadliest in the nation's history, destroying nearly a third of the city and damaging about 2,000 buildings, including water treatment and sewage plants.
  • Day 22-5 year 2012: Tokyo Skytree, which at 634 meters high is the tallest tower in the world, opened to the public.
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Note about Masters Phuc Thanh

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