Masters Doan Bao Chau

Doan Bao Chau

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: 2-11-1965 (59 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1965: 38,34 millions

Global rank: #53122


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Masters Doan Bao Chau profile

Who is Masters Doan Bao Chau?
Doan Bao Chau is known as a famous karate master, Doan Bao Chau belongs to Doan Long Karate sect. Currently, Master Doan Bao Chau holds the position of Vice President of the Vietnam Traditional Martial Arts Federation, he is a Karate Master Huyen 5th dan of Doan Long karate. Besides, Doan Bao Chau is also a writer, reporter and translator, his novel released in 2014 is called " Smoke" was quite successful.
The first master to teach martial arts to Master Doan Bao Chau was Wing Chun master Phan Duong Binh (also known as Binh Bun) - who was known as an elder of Vovinam in the North region, a master of Wing Chun.
But then, Doan Bao Chau switched to learning karate from his brother - master Doan Dinh Long. Master Long is the founder of the Doan Long karate system, he is currently the head coach of the Vietnam national karate team, currently he is the seventh dan black belt Karate master.
Despite the limitation, Due to his stature with a height of 1m61, master Doan Dinh Long with a passion for martial arts, he devoted a lot of effort to training.
When he heard about the news that Master Pierre Francois Flores wanted to come to Vietnam to exchange martial arts. More specifically, he wanted to challenge the head of the subject Nam Huynh Dao Huynh Tuan Kiet but was refused. Then, Master Chau expressed his desire to fight this Chilean master as an individual. The match between the two masters took place on the afternoon of July 12, 2017 with the victory belonging to master Pierre Francois Flores. With a big difference in physical condition, Master Chau weighs only 68 kg, is 1m61 tall, Master Pierre Francois Flores is 1m80 tall and weighs up to 90 kg, Master Chau's attacks have little effect on the opponent. Master Chau quickly gave up when the match lasted about 2 minutes.
After this match, Master Doan Bao Chau had his share on his personal page about the cause of his loss. The first reason that Master Chau shared was: "My reason is not sharp and somewhat respectful, so I did not refuse the narrow area and this was contrary to the intended strategy. I was not a player. a coach, a good manager of himself". The second reason is: "My will was not strong enough to make a decisive blow, was strewn and thought not fast enough to get out when cornered by a large opponent". After the friendly match, now the two masters have become friends.

Young / Before famous

Doan Bao Chau attended Hanoi Polytechnic University with a major in mechanical engineering.

Family life info

The wife of martial artist Doan Bao Chau is a journalist and actress. Before changing her career as a journalist, Hoang Huong was known as an actress who participated in the films: Simple Happiness, Into Life, Waves at the River Bottom, Candles in the Night, Heaven on High, Who's coming to this New Year's Eve? At present, the family of martial artist Doan Bao Chau has two children, a boy and a girl.

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling Masters Doan Bao Chau?

Body measurements of

How tall is Masters Doan Bao Chau? What Doan Bao Chau's weight?
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Summary of Doan Bao Chau profile

When was Masters Doan Bao Chau born?
Doan Bao Chau birthday 2-11-1965 (at the age of 59).
Where is Masters Doan Bao Chau's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Doan Bao Chau was born in Phu Tho, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Scorpius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Snake. Doan Bao Chau's global rank is 53122 and whose rank is 1 in list of famous Masters. Population of Vietnam in 1965 is about 38,34 millions persons.
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Photos/ Images

Portrait of karate master Doan Bao Chau
Portrait of karate master Doan Bao Chau
Picture of karate master Doan Bao Chau
Picture of karate master Doan Bao Chau
Master Doan Bao Chau and his wife
Master Doan Bao Chau and his wife
Master Doan Bao Chau and his brother - Master Doan Dinh Long
Master Doan Bao Chau and his brother - Master Doan Dinh Long

Doan Bao Chau ranking


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Events in 1965 and 2-11

Events in the world in the birth year of Doan Bao Chau

  • The first US combat troops arrive in Vietnam. By the end of the year, 190,000 American soldiers are in Vietnam. Background: Vietnam War
  • US Marines land in the Dominican Republic as fighting persists between rebels and Dominican army (April 28).
  • France withdraws its Atlantic fleet from NATO.
  • Rhodesia unilaterally declares its independence from Britain (Nov. 11).

Birthday Doan Bao Chau (2-11) in history

  • Day 2-11 year 1889: North Dakota and South Dakota became the 39th and 40th states, respectively.
  • Day 2-11 year 1947: Howard Hughes flew the Spruce Goose on its first and only flight.
  • Day 2-11 year 1948: Harry S. Truman defeated Thomas E. Dewey to the surprise of pollsters and newspapers, in the greatest presidential upset in history.
  • Day 2-11 year 1959: Twenty-One game show contestant Charles Van Doren admitted that he had been given questions and answers in advance.
  • Day 2-11 year 1976: Jimmy Carter defeated Gerald Ford, becoming the first U.S. president from the deep South since the Civil War.
  • Day 2-11 year 1984: Velma Margie Barfield, a convicted murderer became the first woman to be executed since capital punishment was reinstated in 1976.
  • Day 2-11 year 2003: V. Gene Robinson was consecrated as bishop by the U.S. Episcopal Church, becoming the first openly gay bishop in the church.
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Note about Masters Doan Bao Chau

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