MC Minh Phuc

Image of Minh Phuc #

Minh Phuc

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: 26-4-1992 (32 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1992: 68,45 millions

Global rank: #76678



Phone number: 0905 613 698

MC Minh Phuc profile

Who is MC Minh Phuc?
Minh Phuc's full name is Nguyen Minh Phuc, is a very talented male MC. He is widely known by the audience when he won the presentation prize and Top 20 Gentlemen at the Ambassador of Vietnam Ao Dai, and is also the Chairman at the VOV College Host Club - an attractive playground for you. Saigon loves being a host. Currently, he is in charge of the role of Editor - MC at HTV1 - Community Information Channel and a teacher at a famous talent development center in HCM.
Minh Phuc was born and raised in the city. street named after Uncle Ho Chi Minh. From an early age, the boy loved to watch TV shows on television and especially admired talented MCs. He dreams that when he grows up, he will become a male MC, a professional presenter. In order to realize that dream, Minh Phuc has constantly made efforts to study, cultivate knowledge as well as practice skills. He is very active in participating in programs and activities held at school and in class. With his confidence, charismatic and attractive voice, he was chosen to be the host of the big holidays at the school. Friends and teachers all support the dynamic and vibrant student. That is a great motivation to help him get closer to his dreams and ambitions.
After graduating from high school, Minh Phuc attended the College of Broadcasting and Television II. Here he was trained to become a talented MC. In addition to studying at the school, the 9X guy is also very active in extracurricular activities, clubs and receives many invitations from big and small programs in the city. Each job helps him to live to the fullest with passion, accumulate experience to become more and more mature. It is the effort, trying his best to pursue his passion and reach his dream that the male MC has increasingly shined and brought into full play his talent to become a famous male MC loved by the audience.
In addition to spending time at work, male MC Minh Phuc is also a very passionate traveller, he likes to go to many places, explore many famous places in the country Vietnam beautiful. Each trip helps him dispel the stress, pressure of work and recharge positive energy to complete big projects.
Nguoinoitieng. tv wishes male MC Minh Phuc to always be healthy and achieve a lot of success in life!

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Body measurements of

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Summary of Minh Phuc profile

When was MC Minh Phuc born?
Minh Phuc birthday 26-4-1992 (at the age of 32).
Where is MC Minh Phuc's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Minh Phuc was born in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Taurus, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Monkey. Minh Phuc's global rank is 76678 and whose rank is 178 in list of famous MC. Population of Vietnam in 1992 is about 68,45 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

The handsome image of male MC Minh Phuc
The handsome image of male MC Minh Phuc
MC Minh Phuc handsome and elegant
MC Minh Phuc handsome and elegant
Male MC Minh Phuc with a sunny smile
Male MC Minh Phuc with a sunny smile
Minh Phuc - handsome and very talented male MC
Minh Phuc - handsome and very talented male MC

Minh Phuc ranking


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Events in 1992 and 26-4

Events in the world in the birth year of Minh Phuc

  • Yugoslav Federation broken up (Jan. 15). US recognizes three former Yugoslav republics (April 7). UN expels Serbian-dominated Yugoslavia (Sept. 22).
  • Bush and Yeltsin proclaim a formal end to the Cold War (Feb. 1).
  • US lifts trade sanctions against China (Feb. 21).
  • General Manuel Noriega, former leader of Panama, convicted in US court (April 9) and sentenced to 40 years on drug charges (July 10).
  • Russian Parliament approves START treaty (Nov. 4).
  • US forces leave Philippines, ending nearly a century of American military presence (Nov. 24).
  • Czechoslovak Parliament approves separation into two nations (Nov. 25). Background: Czech Republic and Slovakia
  • UN approves US-led force to guard food for Somalia (Dec. 3).
  • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) signed (Dec. 17).

Birthday Minh Phuc (26-4) in history

  • Day 26-4 year 1607: The first British people settled in America. Cape Henry was the first place they landed
  • Day 26-4 year 1865: John Wilkes Booth, Lincoln’s assassin, was surrounded by federal troops in a barn in Virginia. He was shot and killed, either by the soldiers or by his own hand.
  • Day 26-4 year 1937: The German Luftwaffe (air force) destroyed the Spanish town of Guernica.
  • Day 26-4 year 1964: Tanganyika and Zanzibar joined to form Tanzania.
  • Day 26-4 year 1986: The worst nuclear power plant accident in history occurred at Chernobyl, near Kiev, U.S.S.R.
  • Day 26-4 year 1994: The first multi-racial elections were held in South Africa.
  • Day 26-4 year 2000: Vermont Governor Howard Dean signed the nation's first bill allowing same-sex couples to form civil unions.
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Note about MC Minh Phuc

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