MC Van Doanh Nhi

Image of Van Doanh Nhi #

Van Doanh Nhi

Living place: Nghe An

Birthday: 30-10-2002 (22 years old)

Population of Vietnam 2002: 79,54 millions

Global rank: #94894


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MC Van Doanh Nhi profile

Who is MC Van Doanh Nhi?
In recent days, the photo of a female news anchor at Nghe An Television has been shared a lot on social networks. social networking sites. Her beauty and confident smile have scored points in the eyes of many people. Besides the compliments, the audience is also curious about the identity of the beautiful female MC. The girl in question is Van Doanh Nhi, born in 2002, regularly appearing on programs such as news, Nghe An New Day, 24h Life, Weather News...
MC Doanh Nhi possesses a warm voice, coherent speaking style and professional style. Along with her bright appearance, the girl born in 2002 received attention and support from the audience. Regarding fashion style, Doanh Nhi often wears elegant, discreet office clothes when on air, suitable for the nature of her work. In real life, she pursues a youthful, sexy style.
In addition to working at the TV station, the beauty also models for a number of fashion brands. No matter what style she appears in, Doanh Nhi always makes an impression on those around her.
The background of the female MC from Nghe An makes everyone surprised because her family has sports tradition. Doanh Nhi's grandfather is former famous player Van Sy Chi. Her father is former famous player Van Sy Thuy (Song Lam Nghe An club). Besides, many other family members are also football players such as coach Van Sy Hung (Director of T&T Youth Football Training Center - Bac Giang), coach Van Sy Son (club Quang Nam). .. Mr. Van Sy Thuy - Doanh Nghi's father - after retiring, opened a youth football training center called VST, one of the training centers providing young players for the Hanoi club.
His grandfather, uncles and biological father were once "legendary" players in Vietnamese football, but Van Doanh Nhi is quite secretive. On her personal page, the female MC only posts pictures related to her work and herself, not sharing about her family or side stories. The female MC of Nghe An Television station quite diligently posts photos on social networks and receives many compliments from netizens for her attractive appearance.

Close relationship

Who is Boy friend/ husband/ darling MC Van Doanh Nhi?

Body measurements of

How tall is MC Van Doanh Nhi? What Van Doanh Nhi's weight?
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Summary of Van Doanh Nhi profile

When was MC Van Doanh Nhi born?
Van Doanh Nhi birthday 30-10-2002 (at the age of 22).
Where is MC Van Doanh Nhi's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Van Doanh Nhi was born in Nghe An, of Vietnam. Ms, whose Zodiac is Scorpius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Horse. Van Doanh Nhi's global rank is 94894 and whose rank is 350 in list of famous MC. Population of Vietnam in 2002 is about 79,54 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of female MC Van Doanh Nhi
Portrait of female MC Van Doanh Nhi
Her beauty caused a fever on social networks
Her beauty caused a fever on social networks
Doanh Nhi received many compliments from netizens because of her attractive appearance
Doanh Nhi received many compliments from netizens because of her attractive appearance
In addition to working at Doanh Nhi television station
In addition to working at Doanh Nhi television station

Van Doanh Nhi ranking


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Events in 2002 and 30-10

Events in the world in the birth year of Van Doanh Nhi

  • Former Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic’s trial on charges of crimes against humanity opens at The Hague (Feb. 12).
  • Tamil Tigers and Sri Lankan government sign a cease-fire agreement, ending 19 years of civil war (Feb. 22). Background: World in Review
  • India's worst Hindu-Muslim violence in a decade rocked the state of Gujarat after a Muslim mob fire-bombed a train, killing Hindu activists. Hindus retaliated, and more than 1,000 died in the bloodshed (Feb. 27 et seq.). Background: World in Review
  • U.S. and Afghan troops launch Operation Anaconda against remaining al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters in Afghanistan (March 2). Background: Taliban Timeline and Afghanistan
  • Israeli tanks and warplanes attack West Bank towns of Nablus, Jenin, Bethlehem, and others in response to string of Palestinian suicide attacks (March 29–April 21). In the first three months of 2002, 14 suicide bombers kill dozens of Israeli civilians, and wounded hundreds. Background: World in Review
  • International Criminal Court wins UN ratification; U.S. refuses to ratify (April 11).
  • Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez ousted in coup, then reinstated (April 12, 14).
  • U.S. and Russia reach landmark arms agreement to cut both countries' nuclear arsenals by up to two-thirds over the next 10 years (May 13).
  • East Timor becomes a new nation (May 20).
  • Terrorist bomb in Bali kills hundreds (Oct. 12).
  • Government suspended in Northern Ireland in protest of suspected IRA spy ring (Oct. 14).
  • North Korea admits to developing nuclear arms in defiance of treaty (Oct. 16).
  • Chechen rebels take 763 hostages in Moscow theater (Oct. 23). Russian authorities release a gas into theater, killing 116 hostages and freeing remainder (Oct. 26). Background: Chechnya Timeline
  • China's Jiang Zemin officially retires as general secretary; Hu Jintao named as his successor (Nov. 14).
  • UN Security Council passes unanimous resolution calling on Iraq to disarm or else face "serious consequences." (Nov. 8).
  • UN arms inspectors return to Iraq (Nov. 18).

Birthday Van Doanh Nhi (30-10) in history

  • Day 30-10 year 1534: King Henry VIII became head of the church in England after the British Parliament passed the Act of Supremacy.
  • Day 30-10 year 1938: Radio broadcast of The War of the Worlds, starring Orson Welles, caused nationwide panic among listeners.
  • Day 30-10 year 1944: Martha Graham's ballet Appalachian Spring, with music by Aaron Copland, premiered.
  • Day 30-10 year 1953: Gen. George C. Marshall won the Nobel Peace Prize for originating the Marshall Plan.
  • Day 30-10 year 1974: Muhammad Ali knocked out George Foreman in the eighth round of a 15-round bout in Kinshasa, Zaire ("rumble in the jungle") to regain his world heavyweight title.
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