Music producer Lucian Piane

Lucian Piane

Living place: Kansas City

Birthday: 4-10-1980 (44 years old)

Population of US 1980: 227,224,681

Global rank: #69923

Email: updating

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Music producer Lucian Piane profile

Who is Music producer Lucian Piane?
If not known by his nickname RevoLucian, he is a Grammy-nominated composer and music producer behind the work behind the soundtrack of Hairspray's 2007 adaptation. He also became known for his satirical sound remixes such as "Bale Out", a song that features tirades insulted by actor Christian Bale from the episode of Terminator Salvation.
He has composed music for both films and theater productions such as the 2006 musical Your Dream and the 2009 horror film Sorority Row.

Young / Before famous

In 2003, he graduated from New York University with a degree in music composition. He later began collaborating with musician Marc Shaiman on films such as Team America: Team America. World Police and Rumor Has It

Family life info

His mother Darlene was a spiritual center. He has a younger sister named Karen.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Music producer Lucian Piane?
He wrote songs like "Five End Rap" and "Gorgeous" for artists like Perez Hilton and Calpernia Addams, respectively. He also produced several RuPaul albums, including Champion and Glamazon.

Body measurements of

How tall is Music producer Lucian Piane? What Lucian Piane's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Lucian Piane profile

When was Music producer Lucian Piane born?
Lucian Piane birthday 4-10-1980 (at the age of 44).
Where is Music producer Lucian Piane's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Lucian Piane was born in Kansas City, Missouri- United States. is a Music producer, whose Zodiac is Libra, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Monkey. Lucian Piane's global rank is 69923 and whose rank is 216 in list of famous Music producer. Population of US in 1980 is about 227,224,681 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1980 and 4-10

Events in US in the birth year of Lucian Piane

  • F.B.I.'s undercover operation "Abscam" (for Arab scam) implicates public officials (Feb. 2).
  • US Supreme Court upholds limits on federal aid for abortions (June 30).
  • Ronald Reagan elected president in Republican sweep (Nov. 4).

Birthday Lucian Piane (4-10) in history

  • Day 4-10 year 1887: The International Herald Tribune was published for the first time.
  • Day 4-10 year 1895: The first U.S. Open Golf tournament was held in Newport, Rhode Island.
  • Day 4-10 year 1957: The Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite, Sputnik, into orbit around the earth, ushering in the Space Age and Space Race.
  • Day 4-10 year 1965: Pope Paul VI made the first visit to the Western Hemisphere by a reigning pope. He came to New York to address the UN General Assembly.
  • Day 4-10 year 1970: Rock singer Janis Joplin was found dead of a drug overdose at age 27.
  • Day 4-10 year 1990: The German parliament met for the first time since the reunification of Germany.
  • Day 4-10 year 2001: Authorities confirmed a tabloid editor in Florida had contracted anthrax. He died the next day.
  • Day 4-10 year 2002: John Walker Lindh, the "American Taliban," received a 20-year sentence.
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Note about Music producer Lucian Piane

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