Novelist Betty Dodson large #

Betty Dodson

Living place: Kansas

Birthday: 24-8-1929 (95 years old)

Population of US 1929: 121,767,000

Global rank: #99616

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Novelist Betty Dodson profile

Who is Novelist Betty Dodson?
Sex education and author whose first book "Sex For One" has sold over 1 million copies; She also appears frequently in the documentaries.
She started seminars on sex in the 1970s archives.

Young / Before famous

In 1968, she performed in the first one-woman show of erotic art in New York City.

Family life info

She grew up with her family in Wichita, Kansas.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Novelist Betty Dodson?
She appeared in a documentary called. "Kim Cattrall: Sexual Intelligence", hosted by Cattrall

Body measurements of

How tall is Novelist Betty Dodson? What Betty Dodson's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Betty Dodson profile

When was Novelist Betty Dodson born?
Betty Dodson birthday 24-8-1929 (at the age of 95).
Where is Novelist Betty Dodson's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Betty Dodson was born in Kansas, . is a Novelist, whose Zodiac is Virgo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Snake. Betty Dodson's global rank is 99616 and whose rank is 1398 in list of famous Novelist. Population of US in 1929 is about 121,767,000 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1929 and 24-8

Events in US in the birth year of Betty Dodson

  • St. Valentine's Day gangland massacre in Chicago (Feb. 14).
  • Stock market prices plummet (Nov.-Dec.). U.S. securities lose $26 billion, marking the first financial disaster of the Great Depression

Birthday Betty Dodson (24-8) in history

  • Day 24-8 year 79: The volcano Vesuvius suddenly awoke and erupted lava that buried the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum.
  • Day 24-8 year 1572: A dark day for the Huguenots when 70,000 French Protestants were massacred on Saint Bartholomew's Day.
  • Day 24-8 year 1814: The British set fire to the White House and the Capitol when they invaded Washington, DC during the War of 1812.
  • Day 24-8 year 1821: Mexico gained its independence from Spain with the Treaty of Cordoba.
  • Day 24-8 year 1949: The North Atlantic Treaty went into effect.
  • Day 24-8 year 1968: France became the world's fifth nuclear power as it exploded a hydrogen bomb in the South Pacific.
  • Day 24-8 year 1989: Pete Rose was banned from baseball for gambling.
  • Day 24-8 year 1991: Mikhail Gorbachev resigned as the general secretary of the Communist Party after a failed coup attempt against him.
  • Day 24-8 year 1992: Hurricane Andrew hit Florida, causing record damage.
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Famous people born in 24-8-1929

Note about Novelist Betty Dodson

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