Performer Bao Suzu

Bao Suzu

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: 8-11-1983 (41 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1983: 56,66 millions

Global rank: #627



Phone number: updating

Performer Bao Suzu profile

Who is Performer Bao Suzu?
Bao Suzu (real name Tran Dinh Bao) is a Vlogger, a freelance actor who has appeared in many films such as: Long Ruoi (in 2009, director Charlie Nguyen), Lo To (2016), You're My Grandmother (2017, director Phan Gia Nhat Linh), Autumn Promise (2019), director Nguyen Quang Dung)… Although the broadcast time is not much, Bao Suzu's roles are very charming, leaving a good impression in the hearts of the audience. But perhaps, Bao Suzu is more known to the online community through his monologue videos with extremely "quality" content, especially only close-ups on social networks. The chubby appearance and the ability to express emotions on the face very well help Bao Suzu make his own mark. He also owns many funny photos that make the online community excited.
Bao Suzu currently owns a fanpage of more than 700,000 followers with many millions of "views" videos. Most of Bao Suzu's videos are taken advantage of. Filmed with a phone in your spare time, not too much investment, but thanks to the impressive content, it still attracts the audience. Anyone who follows Bao Suzu feels happy and comfortable. Ideas often appear suddenly when he surfs Facebook or reads something. The success in Bao Suzu's videos is because he always keeps up with trends. With Bao Suzu, the script does not need to be too much or just appears at the right time to be well received by the audience.
Most famous artists in showbiz then switch to business, Bao Suzu is the opposite, he is a businessman. achieve success before hitting the cinema gate. Bao Suzu is the CEO of an influential technology and media company in the world with a team of more than 50 employees. He is also the owner of a famous cafe in Saigon. He came to the cinema as an unspecified predestined cause, mainly because of work. Bao Suzu often suggested to the director to let himself appear in a supporting role in the movie. Thanks to that, he created a relationship with the film crew, promoting the film is also more convenient.
In real life, Bao Suzu is no different from the characters he has shown on screen, still a fat guy. look, dust, say what "quality" that sentence.

Family life info

Bao Suzu is now married and has two very lovely children.

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling Performer Bao Suzu?

Body measurements of

How tall is Performer Bao Suzu? What Bao Suzu's weight?
Height: 1m64
Weight: about 57 kg
Three measurements: updating

Summary of Bao Suzu profile

When was Performer Bao Suzu born?
Bao Suzu birthday 8-11-1983 (at the age of 41).
Where is Performer Bao Suzu's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Bao Suzu was born in Quang Ngai, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Scorpius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Pig. Bao Suzu's global rank is 627 and whose rank is 36 in list of famous Performer. Population of Vietnam in 1983 is about 56,66 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Actor Bao Suzu's humorous expression
Actor Bao Suzu's humorous expression
 Actor Bao Suzu impressed with his ability to express emotions on his face
Actor Bao Suzu impressed with his ability to express emotions on his face
 Actor Bao Suzu took a photo with singer My Tam
Actor Bao Suzu took a photo with singer My Tam
 The image of actor Bao Suzu caused a storm.
The image of actor Bao Suzu caused a storm.

Bao Suzu ranking


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Events in 1983 and 8-11

Events in the world in the birth year of Bao Suzu

  • Pope John Paul II signs new Roman Catholic code incorporating changes brought about by Second Vatican Council (Jan. 25).
  • Benigno S. Aquino, Jr., 50, political rival of Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos, is assassinated in Manila (Aug. 21).
  • South Korean Boeing 747 jetliner bound for Seoul apparently strays into Soviet airspace and is shot down by a Soviet SU-15 fighter after it had tracked the airliner for two hours; all 269 aboard are killed. (Aug. 30).
  • Terrorist explosion kills 237 US Marines in Beirut (Oct. 23).
  • US invades Grenada (Oct. 25).

Birthday Bao Suzu (8-11) in history

  • Day 8-11 year 1889: Montana became the 41st state.
  • Day 8-11 year 1892: Former president Grover Cleveland beat incumbent Benjamin Harrison and became the only president to win nonconsecutive terms in the White House.
  • Day 8-11 year 1923: Adolf Hitler attempted, and failed, to seize control of the German government in the Beer Hall Putsch.
  • Day 8-11 year 1960: John F. Kennedy defeated Richard M. Nixon for the presidency of the United States.
  • Day 8-11 year 1966: Edward W. Brooke of Massachusetts became the first African American to be elected to the U.S. Senate since Reconstruction.
  • Day 8-11 year 1994: After a 40-year Democrat domination, the Republican Party gained control of the U.S. House of Representatives, as well as a Senate majority.
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Note about Performer Bao Suzu

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