Performer Duy Anh Quoc

Duy Anh Quoc

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: 12-11-2000 (24 years old)

Population of Vietnam 2000: 77,63 millions

Global rank: #75529


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Performer Duy Anh Quoc profile

Who is Performer Duy Anh Quoc?
Duy Anh Quoc is a handsome and multi-talented young man. Currently, he is majoring in Theater Directing - Actor at the University of Theater and Cinema Ho Chi Minh City .
Anh was born and raised in her beautiful hometown Tien Giang. From an early age, he had a passion for the arts, loved being an actor and appearing on television. Therefore, in order to realize the dream, Anh has made great efforts to study, hone his knowledge and skills with the goal of passing the entrance exam to an art school. And heaven did not disappoint people when he passed the entrance exam to the University of Theater and Cinema - a prestigious school that has given wings to the dreams of many talented actors and directors of the Vietnamese screen. Tien Giang boy said: "When I decided to follow the artistic path, I always tried to learn and improve my knowledge of acting skills to serve the job I chose. I knew when I followed. To pursue my dream, I have to accept its difficulties, but because of my passion, I will try to overcome and conquer it".
Now, in addition to studying, cultivating knowledge. At school, Anh also participated in many stage plays and also acted in a number of films. That not only helped him practice his acting skills but also gave him more confidence when standing in front of the camera.
With the advantage of a handsome and masculine face, he "eats" the image with an impressive height and dynamic fashion style, personality combined with honest and natural acting. Young members are more and more known by the audience and are given special attention and love. He is gradually becoming one of the promising faces in the Vietnamese film industry.
Sharing a little more about future plans, Duy Anh Quoc said he would still continue to study Theater Director and especially the guy who is oriented towards acting is the main thing. He will try to learn more acting skills, looking for opportunities to appear more in movies.
Nguoinoitieng. tv wishes the young actor Tien Giang to always be strong and achieve a lot of success on the artistic path he has chosen!

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Body measurements of

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Summary of Duy Anh Quoc profile

When was Performer Duy Anh Quoc born?
Duy Anh Quoc birthday 12-11-2000 (at the age of 24).
Where is Performer Duy Anh Quoc's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Duy Anh Quoc was born in Tien Giang, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Scorpius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dragon. Duy Anh Quoc's global rank is 75529 and whose rank is 800 in list of famous Performer. Population of Vietnam in 2000 is about 77,63 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Handsome image of young actor Duy Anh Quoc
Handsome image of young actor Duy Anh Quoc
 handsome Duy Anh Quoc
handsome Duy Anh Quoc
 talented young actor Duy Anh Quoc
talented young actor Duy Anh Quoc
 dynamic handsome Duy Anh Quoc
dynamic handsome Duy Anh Quoc

Duy Anh Quoc ranking


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Events in 2000 and 12-11

Events in the world in the birth year of Duy Anh Quoc

  • Austria at center of European dispute after conservative People's Party forms coalition with the far-right Freedom Party, headed by xenophobe Jörg Haider (Feb. 3).
  • Reformists win control of Iranian parliament for first time since 1979 Islamic revolution (Feb. 26).
  • Governing of Northern Ireland passes back and forth between Britain and nascent Northern Irish parliament; major dispute over IRA's refusal to disarm (Feb-May).
  • Former Indonesian president Suharto under house arrest, charged with corruption and abuse of power (May 29).
  • Presidents of North and South Korea sign peace accord, and at least symbolically, end a half-century of antagonism (June 13).
  • Vicente Fox Quesada elected president of Mexico, ending 71 years of one-party rule by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) (July 2).
  • Concorde crash kills 113 near Paris (July 25).
  • Palestinians and Israelis clash, spurred by visit of right-wing Israeli leader Ariel Sharon to a joint Jewish/Muslim holy site; "Al Aksa intifada" continues unabated (Sept. 30 et seq.).
  • Nationwide uprising overthrows Yugoslavian president Milosevic (Oct. 5); Vojislav Kostunica sworn in as president (Oct. 7).
  • U.S. sailors on Navy destroyer Cole die in Yemen terrorist explosion (Oct. 12).
  • Mad cow disease alarms Europe (Nov. 30 et seq.).
  • See also: 2000 Year in Review and 2000 Month-by-Month

Birthday Duy Anh Quoc (12-11) in history

  • Day 12-11 year 1920: Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis was elected the first commissioner of baseball.
  • Day 12-11 year 1927: Leon Trotsky was expelled from the Communist Party and Joseph Stalin became the ruler of the Soviet Union.
  • Day 12-11 year 1942: The World War II battle of Guadalcanal begins.
  • Day 12-11 year 1954: Ellis Island stopped serving as the chief immigration station for the United States. Twenty million immigrants went through Ellis Island in its 62 years of operation.
  • Day 12-11 year 1970: A cyclone and tidal wave hit East Pakistan, killing over 200,000 people.
  • Day 12-11 year 1981: The space shuttle Columbia was launched for the second time. It was the first time a space vehicle was used more than once.
  • Day 12-11 year 1990: Akihito becomes emperor of Japan.
  • Day 12-11 year 1997: Ramzi Yousef, the man behind the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, was convicted in New York.
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