Performer Kieu Chan Vu

Kieu Chan Vu

Living place: China

Birthday: 1-11-1978 (46 years old)

Population of the world 1978: 4.302 billions

Global rank: #1370


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Performer Kieu Chan Vu profile

Who is Performer Kieu Chan Vu?
Kieu Chan Vu was voted by the online community as "Thien Chee Tu My" (four great men's colors) along with Chung Han Luong, Huo Kien Hoa and Nghiem Khoan 2011. Over the years , although there are still other "Tan Thien chewing four beautiful" votes, but still no one can surpass the handsomeness of Kieu Chan Vu, Chung Han Luong, Huo Kien Hoa and Nghiem Khoan. Kieu Chan Vu's gentle and scholarly face won sympathy with the directors and the audience.
Kieu Chan Vu started her career in 2000, but it took 2 years to attract attention thanks to the movie "Kim chalk of the family". Kieu Chan Vu's role as the gentle and loving poet Hao Nhien in the film won the hearts of many audiences. In the early years of his career, Kieu Chan Vu was also known as "the 2nd Luc Nghi".
Kieu Chan Vu's acting career really changed when he transformed into the role of Au Duong Minh Nhat - arrogant. , cold in a wheelchair in the movie "Snow Flower Goddess Dragon". Thanks to the elegant ancient shape and outstanding acting, Kieu Chan Vu was honored as one of the "four great ancient men". It can be said that this is the movie of Kieu Chan Vu's life.
In 2004, Kieu Chan Vu acted in the TV series "The Seven Swords Under Thien Son" directed by Huo Dieu Luong.
In 2005, Kieu Chan Vu participated in the movie "Far from God" with actor Luc Nghi and a small swallow Trieu Vy.
On February 25, 2009, Kieu Chan Vu signed a contract with Hoa Nghi company and acted in the movie "Confucius".
In 2011, Kieu Chan Vu participated in the films "Forgotten Secrets" and "Many Autumn".
In 2012, Kieu Chan Vu participated in the films "Old man owns medicine", "Wind Fire Age". People" and "Painting with True Love and No Regret".
In June 2014, Kieu Chan Vu won the Bach Ngoc Lan award for the "Favorite Actor" award of the 20th Shanghai TV station thanks to role in the movie "Beauty of the Fire". In October, Kieu Chan Vu received a nomination for the "Most Popular Actor" award of the Kim Ung Film Festival for his role in the movie "Old Owner of Medicine".

Young / Before famous

At the age of 13, because she was too active, Kieu Chan Vu was sent to dance lessons by her parents.
In 1997, Kieu Chan Vu entered the Beijing Dance Academy to practice classical dance.
In 1999, Kieu Chan Vu participated in a performance party dedicated to classical Chinese choreography "Hong Lou Burial Soul" as Jia Baoyu. In the same year, Kieu Tran Vu won the first prize of the 6th professional dance performance competition in the professional and amateur dance circles in Beijing.

Family life info

In 2013, Kieu Chan Vu confirmed that she had registered to marry her girlfriend Vuong Thien Nhat. To date, the couple has 2 children, 1 boy and 1 girl.

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling Performer Kieu Chan Vu?

Body measurements of

How tall is Performer Kieu Chan Vu? What Kieu Chan Vu's weight?
Height: updating
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Measurements: updating

Summary of Kieu Chan Vu profile

When was Performer Kieu Chan Vu born?
Kieu Chan Vu birthday 1-11-1978 (at the age of 46).
Where is Performer Kieu Chan Vu's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Kieu Chan Vu was born in Quang Tay, of China. Mr working and living in China. Mr, whose Zodiac is Scorpius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Horse. Kieu Chan Vu's global rank is 1370 and whose rank is 101 in list of famous Performer. Population of the world in 1978 is about 4.302 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Actor Kieu Chan Vu in the movie Hua Tu Dan
Actor Kieu Chan Vu in the movie Hua Tu Dan
 Actor Kieu Chan Vu
Actor Kieu Chan Vu
 a handsome man in Chinese language
a handsome man in Chinese language

Kieu Chan Vu ranking


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Events in 1978 and 1-11

Events in the world in the birth year of Kieu Chan Vu

  • Rhodesia's Prime Minister Ian D. Smith and three black leaders agree on transfer to black majority rule (Feb. 15).
  • US Senate approves Panama Canal neutrality treaty (March 16); votes treaty to turn canal over to Panama by year 2000 (April 18).
  • Former Italian Premier Aldo Moro kidnapped by left wing terrorists, who kill five bodyguards (March 16); he is found slain (May 9).
  • Pope Paul VI , dead at 80, mourned (Aug. 6); new Pope, John Paul I, 65, dies unexpectedly after 34 days in office (Sept. 28); succeeded by Karol Cardinal Wojtyla of Poland as John Paul II (Oct. 16).
  • "Framework for Peace" in Middle East signed by Egypt's President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Premier Menachem Begin after 13-day conference at Camp David led by President Jimmy Carter (Sept. 17).
  • Jim Jones's followers commit mass suicide in Jonestown, Guyana (Nov. 18).

Birthday Kieu Chan Vu (1-11) in history

  • Day 1-11 year 1512: The frescoes by artist Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel were first presented to the public.
  • Day 1-11 year 1755: A devastating earthquake, fire, and tsunami leveled the city of Lisbon, Portugal, and claimed the lives of 70,000 people. It is considered the most tragic event in Europe in the 18th century.
  • Day 1-11 year 1765: The Stamp Act, the first direct tax levied on the American colonies, went into effect.
  • Day 1-11 year 1870: The U.S. Weather Bureau made its first meteorological observations.
  • Day 1-11 year 1936: Benito Mussolini described the new alliance between Nazi Germany and Italy as an "axis" running between Berlin and Rome.
  • Day 1-11 year 1952: The United States exploded the first hydrogen bomb in a test in the Marshall Islands.
  • Day 1-11 year 1993: The Maastricht Treaty was enacted, establishing the European Union.
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Note about Performer Kieu Chan Vu

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