Performer Le Trung Dong

Le Trung Dong

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: 21-9-1992 (32 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1992: 68,45 millions

Global rank: #35951


Email: updating

Phone number: 0982 887 937

Performer Le Trung Dong profile

Who is Performer Le Trung Dong?
Le Trung Dong is a talented young actor and model. Although not properly trained through school, but with passion, enthusiasm, as well as a willingness to learn, the young Middle Eastern actor has left many deep impressions in the audience's hearts through his roles in the film. short films such as: Sitcom Four Great Beauties, The Family, Dawn in front,... Currently the actor is living and working in Hanoi capital.
Le Trung Dong was born and raised in the coastal city of Ha Long, Quang Ninh province. From an early age, he had a passion for art, especially acting. But due to not being supported by his family, he temporarily put aside his dream of becoming an actor to study the major that his parents oriented. While studying, the 9X boy actively participated in many school activities and clubs. With the ability to talk and act truthfully and humorously, he has received many compliments from friends and teachers. That is a great motivation to help him gain more confidence and motivation to pursue an acting career. In addition to his main study time at school, the original guy Quang Ninh also worked hard to learn more about acting and television skills. through books, internet,... With his available talent, he learned quite quickly and was highly appreciated for his acting ability.
In 2019, Middle East officially became a collaborator - a freelance actor at An Ninh TV - People's Public Security television. Here, he and his colleagues reconstructed facts or true stories about the cases into short clips for everyone to watch and avoid. Since then, he has been known and loved by the audience more. In addition, he also has the opportunity to cooperate with many famous singers and actors when participating in MV, TVC advertising,... In 2022, he was given the opportunity to play the role of Quyen by director, Meritorious Artist Bui Tuan Dung. in the movie "Dawn Ahead". With a unique and authentic performance, the young actor left a unique impression in the hearts of the audience and was highly appreciated by the audience. With everyone's attention and love, the actor feels very happy and happy. He is more motivated to further develop his talent.
Sharing a little more about his plans in the future, Le Trung Dong said that he will not stop making efforts. Create to develop your own talents. He also hopes to have more opportunities to grow and shine more in his chosen field of art!

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is Performer Le Trung Dong? What Le Trung Dong's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Le Trung Dong profile

When was Performer Le Trung Dong born?
Le Trung Dong birthday 21-9-1992 (at the age of 32).
Where is Performer Le Trung Dong's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Le Trung Dong was born in Quang Ninh, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Virgo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Monkey. Le Trung Dong's global rank is 35951 and whose rank is 467 in list of famous Performer. Population of Vietnam in 1992 is about 68,45 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait image of actor Le Trung Dong
Portrait image of actor Le Trung Dong
Le Trung Dong style and personality
Le Trung Dong style and personality
Le Trung Dong - talented young actor
Le Trung Dong - talented young actor
Image of Le Trung Dong in the role
Image of Le Trung Dong in the role

Le Trung Dong ranking


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Events in 1992 and 21-9

Events in the world in the birth year of Le Trung Dong

  • Yugoslav Federation broken up (Jan. 15). US recognizes three former Yugoslav republics (April 7). UN expels Serbian-dominated Yugoslavia (Sept. 22).
  • Bush and Yeltsin proclaim a formal end to the Cold War (Feb. 1).
  • US lifts trade sanctions against China (Feb. 21).
  • General Manuel Noriega, former leader of Panama, convicted in US court (April 9) and sentenced to 40 years on drug charges (July 10).
  • Russian Parliament approves START treaty (Nov. 4).
  • US forces leave Philippines, ending nearly a century of American military presence (Nov. 24).
  • Czechoslovak Parliament approves separation into two nations (Nov. 25). Background: Czech Republic and Slovakia
  • UN approves US-led force to guard food for Somalia (Dec. 3).
  • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) signed (Dec. 17).

Birthday Le Trung Dong (21-9) in history

  • Day 21-9 year 1792: The French National Convention voted to abolish the monarchy.
  • Day 21-9 year 1897: The New York Sun published its famous editorial, "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus."
  • Day 21-9 year 1937: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkein was first published.
  • Day 21-9 year 1938: A hurricane struck New York and New England with extensive damage and more than 600 deaths.
  • Day 21-9 year 1949: The People's Republic of China was proclaimed.
  • Day 21-9 year 1964: Malta gained its independence from Great Britain.
  • Day 21-9 year 1981: Belize gained its independence from Great Britain.
  • Day 21-9 year 1996: John F. Kennedy, Jr., married Carolyn Bessette.
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Note about Performer Le Trung Dong

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