Politician's wife Rosmah Mansor

Rosmah Mansor

Living place: Malaysia

Birthday: 10-12-1951 (73 years old)

Population of the world 1951: 2.593 billions

Global rank: #26064

Email: updating

Phone number: updating

Politician's wife Rosmah Mansor profile

Who is Politician's wife Rosmah Mansor?
Wife of Malaysia's sixth prime minister Najib Razak, who took office in 2007. She is also known for her work on humanitarian issues around the world.
A strong believer in her ethnic youth, she was a key figure in the national Permata movement to expand early childhood education.

Young / Before famous

She received her BA in Sociology and Anthropology from the University of Malaya where she graduated in 1974 and received her Master's degree in Sociology and Agriculture from Louisiana State University.

Family life info

She is his second wife Najib Razak of; The two got married while still being the Chief Youth Officer of the UMNO Malaysia party.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Politician's wife Rosmah Mansor?
In 2010, she participated in the inaugural First Lady Summit in Malaysia, which focused on improving the lives of children; The summit was hailed by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon.

Body measurements of

How tall is Politician's wife Rosmah Mansor? What Rosmah Mansor's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Rosmah Mansor profile

When was Politician's wife Rosmah Mansor born?
Rosmah Mansor birthday 10-12-1951 (at the age of 73).
Where is Politician's wife Rosmah Mansor's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Rosmah Mansor was born in . is a Politician's wife, whose Zodiac is Sagittarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Cat. Rosmah Mansor's global rank is 26064 and whose rank is 21 in list of famous Politician's wife. Population of the world in 1951 is about 2.593 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1951 and 10-12

Events in the world in the birth year of Rosmah Mansor

  • Seoul falls first to Communist forces (Jan. 4), then to US-led UN troops (Mar. 14). Despite peace talks in July and October, the Korean War continues.
  • Six nations agree to Schuman Plan to pool European coal and steel (March 19; in effect Feb. 10, 1953).
  • Japanese peace treaty signed in San Francisco by 49 nations (Sept. 8).
  • Libya gains independence from Italy (Dec. 24).

Birthday Rosmah Mansor (10-12) in history

  • Day 10-12 year 1817: Mississippi became the 20th state in the United States.
  • Day 10-12 year 1869: The territory of Wyoming authorized women to vote and hold office.
  • Day 10-12 year 1901: The first Nobel Prizes were awarded in Stockholm, Sweden, in the fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and peace.
  • Day 10-12 year 1948: The United Nations General Assembly adopted its Universal Declaration on Human Rights.
  • Day 10-12 year 1950: Dr. Ralph Bunche became the first black to receive a Nobel Peace Prize.
  • Day 10-12 year 1964: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., received the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • Day 10-12 year 1999: Los Alamos scientist Wen Ho Lee was arrested and charged with stealing classified information.
  • Day 10-12 year 2004: A U.S. passenger jet landed in Vietnam, the first one to do so since the Vietnam War ended nearly three decades earlier.
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Famous people born in 10-12-1951

Note about Politician's wife Rosmah Mansor

Rosmah Mansor infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.