Reality star Apryl Jones

Apryl Jones

Living place: Illinois

Birthday: 15-12-1986 (38 years old)

Population of US 1986: 240,132,887

Global rank: #7715

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Reality star Apryl Jones profile

Who is Reality star Apryl Jones?
Star on the reality series VH1 Love & Hip Hip Hollywood who is in a long term relationship with rapper Omarion.
She is in a girl group called Cellareign. She auditioned for American Idol and Making the Band.

Young / Before famous

She pursued a career in the medical industry after graduating from college.

Family life info

She moved from Chicago to Los Angeles to pursue her entertainment career. She has a child named Megaa OMARI Grandberry with Omarion.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Reality star Apryl Jones?
She was joined in Love & Hip Hop Hollywood by Hazel E.

Body measurements of

How tall is Reality star Apryl Jones? What Apryl Jones's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Apryl Jones profile

When was Reality star Apryl Jones born?
Apryl Jones birthday 15-12-1986 (at the age of 38).
Where is Reality star Apryl Jones's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Apryl Jones was born in Illinois, . is a Reality star, whose Zodiac is Sagittarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Tiger. Apryl Jones's global rank is 7715 and whose rank is 81 in list of famous Reality star. Population of US in 1986 is about 240,132,887 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1986 and 15-12

Events in US in the birth year of Apryl Jones

  • US Supreme Court bars racial bias in trial jury selection (Jan. 14).
  • Space shuttle Challenger explodes after launch at Cape Canaveral, Fla., killing all seven aboard (Jan. 28).
  • US Supreme Court reaffirms abortion rights (June 11).
  • Senate Judiciary Committee approves William H. Rehnquist as Chief Justice of US Supreme Court(Aug. 14).
  • House votes arms appropriations bill rejecting Administration's "star wars" policy (Aug. 15).
  • Secret initiative to send arms to Iran revealed (Nov. 6 et seq.); Reagan denies exchanging arms for hostages and halts arms sales (Nov. 19); diversion of funds from arms sales to Nicaraguan Contras revealed (Nov. 25).

Birthday Apryl Jones (15-12) in history

  • Day 15-12 year 1791: The Bill of Rights took effect with Virginia's ratification of it.
  • Day 15-12 year 1890: Sioux Indian chief Sitting Bull was killed by Native American police.
  • Day 15-12 year 1916: The French defeated the Germans in the Battle of Verdun.
  • Day 15-12 year 1939: The movie Gone With the Wind premiered in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Day 15-12 year 1944: Band leader Glenn Miller disappeared in a plane crash over the English Channel.
  • Day 15-12 year 1961: Adolf Eichmann was sentenced to death by an Israeli court for organizing the deportation of Jews to concentration camps.
  • Day 15-12 year 1964: Canada adopted its national flag, a red maple leaf on a white background.
  • Day 15-12 year 1966: Animated-cartoon pioneer and movie producer Walt Disney died in Los Angeles.
  • Day 15-12 year 1989: A demonstration that turned into a popular uprising in Romania began the downfall of Nicolae Ceausescu.
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Note about Reality star Apryl Jones

Apryl Jones infomation and profile updated by