Singer Loc Thu Hang

Image of Loc Thu Hang #

Loc Thu Hang

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: 20-6-1995 (29 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1995: 72 millions

Global rank: #75608



Phone number: 0986 200 695

Singer Loc Thu Hang profile

Who is Singer Loc Thu Hang?
Loc Thu Hang is a beautiful and very talented singer. She is currently a freelance singer living and working in Hanoi.
Loc Thu Hang was born and raised in Lang Son province. She has a beautiful face with a sunny smile. In addition, she also possesses a sweet, clear voice that captivates people. From an early age, this little girl Lang Son has been very fond of and has a burning passion for art, especially singing and dancing. She also soon showed her musical talent when she regularly and actively participated in cultural movements at the school. Teachers and friends all love her voice and often advise her to pursue a professional singing career in the future.
With encouragement from friends, teachers and relatives, Thu Hang bravely studied and passed the entrance exam to study at the Faculty of Vocals, University Military Arts and Culture School. Well-trained in vocal skills, how to take breath, how to draw, ... along with her own inherent talent, the Lang Son girl has quickly perfected both her voice and performance skills. In addition to her main study time at school, she often sings at small stages, club exchanges or tea rooms and cafes. Being burned with passion, getting closer to the music-loving audience gave her more motivation to work hard and be serious about her profession. At each concert, Hang not only accumulates valuable performance experience for herself, practicing vocals, but also has extra income to cover living and studying expenses in an expensive place in Hanoi.
Later, when she graduated from college, she had the opportunity to perform in many larger stages, with many invitations to perform in all the northern provinces. The audience's attention and love makes her feel very happy. Although the career path ahead still has many challenges and obstacles, she believes that with her efforts, she will gradually be recognized and shined by the audience.
Share more Regarding her future plans, the singer said that she will increasingly complete her voice and release many quality music products to serve the audience. She also hopes that the audience will always love and support her!

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

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Summary of Loc Thu Hang profile

When was Singer Loc Thu Hang born?
Loc Thu Hang birthday 20-6-1995 (at the age of 29).
Where is Singer Loc Thu Hang's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Loc Thu Hang was born in Lang Son, of Vietnam. Ms working and living in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Ms, whose Zodiac is Gemini, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Pig. Loc Thu Hang's global rank is 75608 and whose rank is 1194 in list of famous Singer. Population of Vietnam in 1995 is about 72 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Beautiful image of female singer Loc Thu Hang
Beautiful image of female singer Loc Thu Hang
 attractively beautiful Loc Thu Hang
attractively beautiful Loc Thu Hang
 Cute image of female singer Loc Thu Hang
Cute image of female singer Loc Thu Hang
 Loc Thu Hang shines on stage
Loc Thu Hang shines on stage

Loc Thu Hang ranking


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Events in 1995 and 20-6

Events in the world in the birth year of Loc Thu Hang

  • US rescues Mexico's economy with $20-billion aid program (Feb. 21).
  • Russian space station Mir greets first Americans (March 14). US shuttle docks with station (June 27).
  • Nerve gas attack in Tokyo subway kills eight and injures thousands. The Aum Shinrikyo ("Supreme Truth") cult is to blame (March 20). Background: International Terrorism
  • Death toll 2,000 in Rwanda massacre (April 22).
  • Fighting escalates in Bosnia and Croatia (May 1). Warring parties agree on cease-fire (Oct. 5); sign peace treaty (Dec. 14).
  • France explodes nuclear device in Pacific; wide protests ensue (Sept. 5). Background: nuclear weapons
  • Israelis and Palestinians agree on transferring West Bank to Arabs (Sept. 24). Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin slain by Jewish extremist at peace rally (Nov. 4).

Birthday Loc Thu Hang (20-6) in history

  • Day 20-6 year 1756: British soldiers were forced into Fort William, Calcutta, measuring just 4.5m x 5.5m. It is known as "Calcutta's Black Hole."
  • Day 20-6 year 1782: The Great Seal of the United States was adopted.
  • Day 20-6 year 1819: The 320-ton Savannah became the first steamship to cross the Atlantic.
  • Day 20-6 year 1837: Queen Victoria ascended the British throne.
  • Day 20-6 year 1863: West Virginia became the 35th state in the United States.
  • Day 20-6 year 1893: Lizzie Borden, accused of murdering her parents, was found innocent by a jury in New Bedford, Mass.
  • Day 20-6 year 1967: Muhammad Ali was convicted of violating Selective Service laws by refusing to be drafted.
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Note about Singer Loc Thu Hang

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