Comedian Trung Ech

Trung Ech

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: ?-?-1995 (29 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1995: 72 millions

Global rank: #5237


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Comedian Trung Ech profile

Who is Comedian Trung Ech?
Actor Trung Ech (real name Ly Van Trung) is famous for his million-view comedy videos. With the desire to preserve and express the Nung language through a humorous lens, Trung Ech gradually made his personal mark through each role that was witty, humorous and charming, without being "overdone". Trung Ech's comedy videos in Nung language attract millions of views and receive a large amount of interaction on social networks. He is supported by Tay Nung ethnic audiences across the country. Besides, he also participated in acting in many shows and comedies in Kinh language such as: Ruin in the village, Xa Xi Chet, Colorful street corners, Troubled residential areas... broadcast on TV stations. Vietnam and Youtube channels.
In 2013, Trung Ech from his hometown Lang Son went to Hanoi to study Cultural Management at the Master's School. Central Art Department. In 2015, he decided to study Drama Acting because he was so passionate about acting. Studying two majors in parallel is quite difficult, but because of his passion, Trung Ech still tries. Currently, he owns two bachelor's degrees: Cultural Management (2013 - 2017), Theater Actor (2015 - 2019).
After graduating, Trung Ech was fortunate to have many achievements. The film crew invited them to participate in the project. His roles always show carefree, cunning and humor. Even though his filming schedule is busy, he still makes time for clips incorporating the Nung language to serve his people. Trung Ech always thinks: "No matter where you go, no matter what job you do, the identity of the nation is the language and writing that we must still keep". The comedy clips integrating the Nung and Kinh ethnic languages ​​create a uniqueness, becoming his unique mark.
The key to Trung Ech's success is being sincere with his emotions. me. His natural, honest and humorous acting style helps him touch the hearts of the audience. Trung Ech always tries to bring laughter to the audience. He hopes the audience will smile every time they see him.
In addition to acting, Trung Ech also has many other talents such as Xam singing, playing guitar, playing the flute, dancing...
Nguoinoitieng. tv wishes comedian Trung Ech more and more success and love from the audience!

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is Comedian Trung Ech? What Trung Ech's weight?
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Summary of Trung Ech profile

When was Comedian Trung Ech born?
Trung Ech birthday ?-?-1995 (at the age of 29).
Where is Comedian Trung Ech's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Trung Ech was born in Lang Son, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Pig. Trung Ech's global rank is 5237 and whose rank is 41 in list of famous Comedian. Population of Vietnam in 1995 is about 72 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Comedian Trung Ech shows Nung language through a humorous lens
Comedian Trung Ech shows Nung language through a humorous lens
Comedian Trung Ech and artist Quang Thang
Comedian Trung Ech and artist Quang Thang
Comedian Trung Ech's funny expressions
Comedian Trung Ech's funny expressions

Trung Ech ranking


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Events in 1995 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Trung Ech

  • US rescues Mexico's economy with $20-billion aid program (Feb. 21).
  • Russian space station Mir greets first Americans (March 14). US shuttle docks with station (June 27).
  • Nerve gas attack in Tokyo subway kills eight and injures thousands. The Aum Shinrikyo ("Supreme Truth") cult is to blame (March 20). Background: International Terrorism
  • Death toll 2,000 in Rwanda massacre (April 22).
  • Fighting escalates in Bosnia and Croatia (May 1). Warring parties agree on cease-fire (Oct. 5); sign peace treaty (Dec. 14).
  • France explodes nuclear device in Pacific; wide protests ensue (Sept. 5). Background: nuclear weapons
  • Israelis and Palestinians agree on transferring West Bank to Arabs (Sept. 24). Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin slain by Jewish extremist at peace rally (Nov. 4).
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