Singer Mochiii

Image of Mochiii #


Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: ?-?-2000 (24 years old)

Population of Vietnam 2000: 77,63 millions

Global rank: #6562



Phone number: updating

Singer Mochiii profile

Who is Singer Mochiii?
Mochiii, real name Nguyen Thi Thu Binh, is currently a name that has attracted attention from the online community recently because of her cover versions causing storms on tiktok. Currently, her tiktok channel has attracted 253.6 thousand followers with 2 million likes, and her Facebook fanpage also has 100 thousand followers.
Possessing a pretty, cute appearance and sweet voice, Gen Z girl Thu Binh was once known for a series of famous cover songs. Not only that, she also continues to develop her personal music products, gradually creating her own mark on the path to becoming a professional singer. Each of her songs has just been posted and has quickly attracted millions of views. Not only does Thu Binh sing well, but she also possesses a beauty that thousands of people love. That's why every time she appears, she is welcomed by a large audience.
Currently, Thuy Le is working for ACV Entertainment - One of 10 media companies specializing in training talented professional singers. famous in Vietnam with many hits such as: "Whoever stays in love forever ", "Emperor", "Once in love", "Promise and oath"... - attracted tens of millions of views on YouTube. Coming to ACV, the name Thu Binh is becoming more and more famous, helping her get closer to her dream of becoming a professional singer. Her covers that have caused storms on social networks in recent times include: Flowers Blooming on the Roadside, Do You Know, Who Will Be With You, Grace Turns Into the Page, I Don't Want to See You Sad, Leave Me Alone ,...
After emerging with a series of hit covers, Mochiii recently released his own MV "Selling True Love" which has received the love of a large audience. fake. The released MV is Thu Binh's thanks to the audiences who have loved and supported her in the past, in addition to marking a new milestone for herself when she wants to become a professional singer. .
Sharing her plans in the near future, Mochiii said she will continue to release many MVs with her favorite cover versions, in addition, she will try to release MVs of her own. I personally hope to receive acceptance and support from the audience in the near future.

Close relationship

Who is Boy friend/ husband/ darling Singer Mochiii?

Body measurements of

How tall is Singer Mochiii? What Mochiii's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Mochiii profile

When was Singer Mochiii born?
Mochiii birthday ?-?-2000 (at the age of 24).
Where is Singer Mochiii's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Mochiii was born in Thai Binh, of Vietnam. Ms working and living in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Ms, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dragon. Mochiii's global rank is 6562 and whose rank is 569 in list of famous Singer. Population of Vietnam in 2000 is about 77,63 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Image of singer Mochiii
Image of singer Mochiii
Image of pretty Mochiii in a kimono
Image of pretty Mochiii in a kimono
Image of Mochiii's beautiful charm
Image of Mochiii's beautiful charm

Mochiii ranking


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Events in 2000 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Mochiii

  • Austria at center of European dispute after conservative People's Party forms coalition with the far-right Freedom Party, headed by xenophobe Jörg Haider (Feb. 3).
  • Reformists win control of Iranian parliament for first time since 1979 Islamic revolution (Feb. 26).
  • Governing of Northern Ireland passes back and forth between Britain and nascent Northern Irish parliament; major dispute over IRA's refusal to disarm (Feb-May).
  • Former Indonesian president Suharto under house arrest, charged with corruption and abuse of power (May 29).
  • Presidents of North and South Korea sign peace accord, and at least symbolically, end a half-century of antagonism (June 13).
  • Vicente Fox Quesada elected president of Mexico, ending 71 years of one-party rule by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) (July 2).
  • Concorde crash kills 113 near Paris (July 25).
  • Palestinians and Israelis clash, spurred by visit of right-wing Israeli leader Ariel Sharon to a joint Jewish/Muslim holy site; "Al Aksa intifada" continues unabated (Sept. 30 et seq.).
  • Nationwide uprising overthrows Yugoslavian president Milosevic (Oct. 5); Vojislav Kostunica sworn in as president (Oct. 7).
  • U.S. sailors on Navy destroyer Cole die in Yemen terrorist explosion (Oct. 12).
  • Mad cow disease alarms Europe (Nov. 30 et seq.).
  • See also: 2000 Year in Review and 2000 Month-by-Month
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Note about Singer Mochiii

Mochiii infomation and profile updated by